By what age do children have a vocabulary of thousands of words?
4 years old.
What age does a child like to see/hear the same story repeated over and over again?
2-3 years old.
(True or false) Children who learn two languages process both of these languages differently than a person who learn only one language. They even use different part of their brains.
(True/false) A dialect is a language that is not fully developed.
In linguistics, a dialect is a variation of a language that is signed/spoken by a specific group of people. Dialects can differ in vocabulary, grammar, and signing space/pronunciation.
By what age do most children have knowledge of grammar and rules for basic conversations?
4 years old.
What age do children ask who and why questions?
Between 4-5 years old.
What is syntax?
Word order
(True/false) Language is a communication system exclusively possessed by humans.
What is expressive vocabulary?
All different words a person uses in speaking and writing.
What is metalinguistic awareness?
How children understand language, how it works and having knowledge about language.
(True or false) There are absolutely no benefits to being bilingual. It makes learning and cognitive abilities harder. It makes academic work harder for children.
Give an example of a sign language that was recently born.
Nicaraguan Sign Language.
What is receptive vocabulary?
The words a person can understand in spoken/signed or written words.
What age do children know their last name, name of their address and so on?
Between 3-4 years old.
What is bilingualism correlated with?
Mental (cognitive) abilities
(True/false) Black American Sign Language (BASL) is a dialect of American Sign Language (ASL) used by some deaf African Americans. It's characterized by its own syntax, vocabulary, and signing space.
When a child says "our car is broken", but another child insists that its "our car is broked". This is a example of..
Language acquisition process.
At what age do children begin to enjoy songs and books/stories because of their signs/sounds?
5 years old.
Why do children who are bilingual tend to mix up the two languages they know?
It is not that they are confused but because their parents do that as well.
The process is called «code-swiching».
What are cognates in sign language?
Words in two languages that share a similar meaning, handshape, movement, location, and palm orientation.