Sweet as. Yeah nah. Cuzzy.
Colloquial language. Everyday language used by people of a certain region.
Proud, confident, arrogant, egotistical
Connotation. The associations words have in our minds
Using a story from your life to illustrate a point.
"When I was a kid, I depended on school lunch", which is why I believe in funded school lunches.
Rule of Threes
Makes the writing more persuasive and memorable.
EG: I came. I saw. I conquered.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
Parallel Structure/Parallelism.
Creating ideas through the use of similar statements in a structurally similar way.
Go slow over the road
Assonance. The repetition of vowel sounds in words near to each other.
Repetition of the first letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
EG: Sue sells sea shells on the sea shore.
Creates images that are easier to understand and respond to than literal language.
Life is like a box of chocolate.
Simile. A comparison between two things using like or as.
The sun kissed my cheeks.
Personification. Giving an inanimate object human characteristics or traits.
Reference to famous quotations.
EG: May the sauce be with you.
Creates a sense of rhythm.
EG: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
How could I be so stupid?
Rhetorical question. A question asked where the answer is obvious or implied.
Hiss. Buzz. Chip. Pow.
Onomatopoeia. A word that sounds like the noise it describes.
Represents an idea
EG: Doves are a symbol of peace
Inclusive Pronouns. EG: You, we, us.
The speaker is talking to you, creating a sense of connection.
I've told you a million times to stop exaggerating.
Hyperbole. An overrexaggerated statement not meant to be taken seriously.
Stop that.
Imperative. A command.
A direct comparison of two unlike things.
EG: My body is a temple
Creates pictures in the mind of the audience/reader by using either literal or figurative language.
EG: The winter sky turned the colour of steel.