Debuk - The Spinster Returns
Ch. 27 Abe
Ch. 28 Hall
Ch 29 Leap

What is the female oriented occupation that inspired the word 'spinster'? 

What is Spinning?


Using this in speech communicates the idea that the speaker is male and their conversation partner is not above them

What is a bald imperative?


At the Center, _______ was the language whose lexicon was predominantly used by speakers.

What is English?


Another term used by linguists to describe the study of language as it is used by the LGTBQ community.

What is Lavender Linguistics?


What was Deborah Cameron's twitter handle that inspired the article?

What is @wordspinster?


The most neutral personal pronoun that can be used, favored heavily by onabe and bar employees because of its lack of femininity

What is jibun?


Boys at the Center used this linguistic tool to shift between English and Hindu in their conversations with different members.

What is Code-Switching?


Leap’s book that addresses gay men’s English as a cultural and linguistic phenomenon.

What is Word’s Out?


This actress coined the term self-partnered to describe her acceptance of being and staying single. 

Who is Emma Watson?


These words were used by bar employees and patrons alike to indicate rage and persuasion

What are omee and anta?


Boys are different from lesbians in their language, social class, and desire for male features, usually wanting to undergo __________.

What is sexual reassignment surgery?


He was interviewed about his first experience at a gay club in 1995 after the apartheid collapse and desegregation.

Who is Bob?


Cameron mentions an interview conducted by Clare Anderson in her article. In this interview Anderson found that men at what age felt in their prime, happier and at ease?

 What is late 40s and 50s?


When asked about homosexual men, those that Abe interviewed used language suggesting that they felt ______ from them

What is distant/alienated?


Boys developed a sexist view of gender-relations, desiring servile wives and grimacing at the word _________.

What is lesbian?


Emphasizes the fluid nature of sexuality and is less focused on concrete gender models and rather has a goal of exploring language use of the subject in different situations.

What is Queer Theory?


What year did Deborah Cameron mention that the terms 'bachelorette' and 'bachelor girl' were first recorded in order to avoid the term spinster?

What is 1890?


An interview from this magazine was studied to analyze the differences between the speech of trans men, onabe, and lesbians

What is Anise?


Boys began to reject the idea that Hindi was innately vulgar, and disliked the slang term ______, which characterizes speakers as backwards, provincial, and crude.

What is vernac?


In Queer Theory, _______ of the subject position allows researchers to understand how meanings of gender become constructed through linguistic practices.

What is decentralization/less linguistic specification?
