Problem Solving
Figurative Language
Perspective Taking

"Hi mom, no I’m not on the computer anymore. Yes, I know it’s late; that’s what I’m about to do. I already brushed my teeth and washed my face and I’m going now."

Where is this person going?

to bed 


In the middle of playing a video game with your friends, your parents tell you to come take the garbage out. What do you do? Give one solution to this problem. 

1. Tell your friends excuse me, I have to take the garbage out. 

2. Tell your parents you will be right there as soon as you can leave the game. 


New Jersey experienced the worst thunderstorm in years, with over three inches of rain falling over two hours. Grandma said, "It sure is raining cats and dogs out there!"

What does this mean?

It is raining heavily.


I am very sticky, but hard to see when dry. I go round and round across the page until I eventually run out. If you stick with me, in one piece you will be. What am I?



What is the girl thinking in the picture?

I think she is surprised because her friend is telling her a secret. 


"I think Sam is going away this weekend because he wants to try out his birthday present. Yes, he loved it and can’t wait to use it! He loaded up on bait and got the boat ready."

What was Sam’s birthday present?

a fishing pole


You need to talk to the teacher, but she is talking to another student. What do you do?

1. Wait politely until she is done. 

2. Say excuse me. 


Mrs. Smith told her class, "I'm sorry I was gone yesterday. I was feeling a little under the weather."

What does this mean?

Feeling sick 

I am not a magician, but I make things disappear. I come in all shapes and sizes, but am most often found in pink. I can be a writer’s best friend. What am I?


What is the girl thinking?

I think she is wondering what time it is because she is looking at her watch.


"Hi honey, what time will you be home? Please don’t forget the gift. Yes I got the candles. He will be so surprised- I can’t believe our baby is now in double digits!"

How many candles will be on the cake?



Dylan and Tom are playing chess at recess. When Dylan called out "Checkmate," Tom shouted and flipped the board game off the table. What is the problem? What is a good solution?

Tom is upset that he lost, Dylan can remind him that it is just a game and do something else 


"That test was a piece of cake after I studied all day," said Mark. 

What does this mean?

Very easy


I am big and square. There are lots of pieces to me. I hold more information than you can imagine, but I cannot function without a little help. People like to push my buttons, which really gets me fired up. What am I?

a computer


What is he thinking?

I think he is bored because he is frowning and is not looking at the book. 


"Hi there, I need to rent one of your items for a birthday party. When you deliver it can you blow it up also? Yes, and the children have to take their shoes off to get in it, right? Ok, great! They will have so much fun in it!"

What am I renting? 

bounce house


John has a habit of tapping his pencil on his desk when he is thinking. In the middle of the science test, Madeline jumps up and yells, "Stop that! I can't concentrate." John's face turns red as the whole class gasps. Can you find two problems in this story?  

1. John is bothering Madeline. 

2. Madeline just embarrassed John. 


When the class went on a field trip to the art museum, their guide said, "Please don't touch anything on display. It would cost an arm and a leg to replace some of our pieces!" 

What does that mean?

Very expensive


I am a cylinder. I am known to be empty or filled to the brim. I can be an organizer’s best friend. I can get stinky when I’m full. What am I?



What is she thinking?

I think she is happy because she is smiling and looking at her phone. She probably received a text that she liked. 


"Hi mom. Yes, it went fine but Ryan has to stay overnight so they can watch him and give him his medicine. Yes I will stay with him."

Where are they?



You find out your brother or sister went into your room and took something without asking. What do you do?

Ask them not to go in your room/take things without asking. 


Tom heard from his sister that his mom was planning a surprise party for him tomorrow. When he asked his mom about it, she said, "Who let the cat out of the bag?" 

What does this mean?

told a secret


I am big like a mountain. I sleep most of the time. When I do wake up, I erupt like an angry lion. What am I?


What is the girl thinking?

I think she is happy and asking her parents to buy the pineapple because she is smiling and showing them the pineapple in her hand.
