Synonyms (same)
Antonyms (opposite)
Double Meaning

What do the prefixes il-, in-, ir-, and im- mean?

They all mean "not".


What do the suffixes -er, -ar, and -or mean?

Can you name one example?

They all mean a person or thing who does something.


refrigerator, calculator, director, burglar, liar, farmer, builder


Name a synonym for big

Show the sign and say the word

large, huge, gigantic


Name an antonym for legal

Show the sign and say the word

illegal, against the law


Name more than one meaning for " light " and show the matching signs for them.

Light = the brightness produced by the sun, by fire, by a lamp, etc.

light = colors that are more white than black

light = not heavy in weight


Think of 3 words that start with under-?

Use each of the words correctly in a sentence.

Underwater, understand, underground, understudy, underestimate, underachieve


What does the suffix -able mean?

Adding -able to a word makes it into an adjective that suggest something or someone is capable of, or worthy of something. 

For instance, if a doughnut is "dunkable", that means it can be dipped into a cup of milk or coffee.


Name a synonym for exit

Show the sign and say the word

leave, escape, get out


Name an antonym for safe

Show the sign and say the word

dangerous, hazardous, unsafe


Name more than one meaning for " shake " and show the matching signs for them.

shake = to move sometimes violently back and forth or up and down with short, quick movements

shake= milkshake


What does the prefix inter- mean?

Name one example.

Meaning = Between, among or together.

Examples: interfere, interlock, intermediate, intermingle, interracial, interstate


Name 3 words that have the suffix -en.

widen, deepen, loosen, strengthen, goldem


Name a synonym for above

Show the sign and say the word

over, on the top of something


Name an antonym for complicated

Show the sign and say the word

simple, easy, straight forward


Name more than one meaning for " cold " and show the matching signs for them.

cold = having a low temperature

cold = being unfriendly, showing no emotion

cold = a common illness that affects the nose, throat, and eyes and that usually causes coughing, sneezing, etc.


Think of 3 words that start with im-?

Use each of the words correctly in a sentence.

impossible, immeasurable, immortal, immoral, impolite, improper


When using the suffix -y, does it create:

a. adjectives

b. nouns

c. verbs

Name one example.

a. adjectives

Examples: juicy, stinky, messy, dirty, pretty, funny, icy, cloudy


Name a synonym for hard

Show the sign and say the word

difficult, challenging


Name a antonym for accurate

Show the sign and say the word

incorrect, inaccurate, wrong


Name more than one meaning for " sink " and show the matching signs for them.

sink = something you wash your hands in, or wash dishes in.

sink = to cause (a ship or object) to go down below the surface of water


What does the prefix sub- mean?

Name one example.

It means under, below, beneath ; 

or slightly, imperfectly, secondary.

Example: submarine, subtract, subcontinent, subject, submerse.


When using the suffix -ly, does it create:

a. nouns

b. adverbs

c. adjectives

What is an adverb? Can you name an example?

b. adverbs

An adverb is a part of speech that describes or changes a verb, an adjective, or sentence.

Examples: accidentally, beautifully, slowly, badly, angrily, happily


Name a synonym for waste

Show the sign and say the word

trash, garbage


Name an antonym for vacant

Show the sign and say the word

occupied, full, taken, no more space/available


Name more than one meaning for " company " and show the matching signs for them.

company = a business that makes, buys, or sells goods or services in exchange for money

company = the condition of being with or around another person
