WH Questions
Tell me about Ginger Giraffe

1. It is a giraffe driving the Jeep.

2. The giraffe has yellow spots.

3. The jeep is blue and purple.

4. The jeep is name Jolly.

5. The giraffe seems happy. 

Describe Gerta the Goat

1. The goat is blowing a bubble with her gum. 

2. The goat is wearing yellow rain boots. 

3. The goat is brown. 

4. The goat is talking to another animal. 

5. The goat has a green bell. 


Brady is going to the dentist. He sits in a comfy chair. His teeth get cleaned. The dentist counts his teeth. It's quick and easy. Brady receives a sticker for being brave.

Why did Brady go to the dentist?

To get his teeth cleaned.

To get his teeth counted.


Sara woke up to prepare for school. She took a shower, brush her teeth, and put on her clothes. She went down stairs to grab her lunch box and kiss her mother goodbye.  

What did Sara do to prepare for school?

1. She woke up

2. She took a shower.

3. She brushed her teeth. 

4. She put on her clothes. 

5. She went downstairs to grab her lunch box.

6. She kissed her mother goodbye.


Who is your speech therapist?

Ms. Matthews


Tell me about Phyllis Fish. 

1. It is a goldfish

2. The goldfish is wearing pearls

3. The fish is cooking the number 4 over a fire.

4. The fish is holding a silver fork in her right hand. 

5. The fish has a yellow tail, pink fins, and yellow face. 


Describe Thoughtful Thad. 

1. Thad is doing math work. 

2. Thad has a green shirt. 

3. Thad is holding a blue pencil.

4. Thad is thinking how to solve the problem. 

5. Thad is smiling while doing work.


Amber woke up coughing and sneezing. Amber's mom checked her temperature. It was 100.1 degrees Fahrenheit. Amber's mom took Amber to the doctor. She has a cold. 

Where did Amber's mom take Amber?

To the doctor.


Sam grabbed his shoes and jacket to head out the door. Sam's mother told him to clean up his room before going out to play. Sam took his jacket off to clean his room. 

What happend in the story?

1. Sam grabbed his shoes and jacket. 

2. Sam walked towards the door. 

3. Sam's mother told him to clean up his room

4. Sam took his jacket off to clean his room


Where is the speech room located?

In the Annex

Describe Tabby the Turtle

1. She is a green turtle.

2. She has a pink hair bow.

3. She is drinking tea.

4. She is talking on a pink phone.

5. She is balancing a plate on her foot. 

Describe Thirsty Thelma
1. Thelma is a girl. 

2. Thelma is hot.

3. Thelma is sweating

4. Thelma is has a pink towel. 

5. Thelma is drinking from a yellow cup


Tyrone played basketball outside with his friends. After playing 3 games, Tyrone decided to go home. After 10 minutes of walking home in sweat, Tyrone went into a nearby gas station to purchase a bottle of water. 

When did Tyrone decide to go home?

After playing 3 games of basketball

Amber went to school excitited for her birthday party. Amber talked about her birthday party until it was time to go. Amber got on the bus to go home. When she got home, Amber and her parents prepared for the party. 

1. Amber went to school. 

2. She talked about her birthday party until it was time to go. 

3. Amber got on the bus to go home. 

4. Amber and her parents prepared for the party. 


What Ms. Matthews rule number 3?

Do not be afraid


Describe Vinny Vampire

1. He is vacumming the floor.

2. He is holding a Valentine's Day card. 

3. His cape is purple. 

4. He has fangs. 

5. His pants and shirt is pink


Describe Marvin Monkey

1. Marvin has on purple shoes and gloves.

2. Marvin is driving a motorcycle. 

3. Marvin's tires are dirty. 

4. Marvin has a mouse on the back on his motorcycle. 

5. It is night outside because I see the moon in the sky.


When do you brush your teeth?

In the morning.

At night. 

After eating


Willie woke up feeling scared. It was dark and the rain was beating on the roof. Willie turned his night light on to calm his nerves. Willie counted sheep to help ease his mind.  After 20 minutes, Willie fell back asleep safe and sound. 

What happen in the story?

1. Willie woke up scared. 

2. Willie turned on his night light. 

3. Willie counted sheep

4. Willie fell back asleep


What is the goal of speech therapy?

To get out of speech therapy

Describe Calvin the Cow

1. He is a yellow and purple cow.

2. He is typing on the computer. 

3. He has a soda placed right beside the computer. 

4. He is reading a message on the computer. 

5. He is smiling at the computer. 


Describe Shirley Sheep. 

1. Shirley is taking a shower. 

2. Shirly has grey wool. 

3. Shirly is washing her hair. 

4. Shirly has a pink tummy. 

5. Shirly's eyes are closed. 


When it's raining outside, why do you put on a raincoat and rain boots?

To stay dry


Tyra went to cheer camp to prepare for this week's championship game. During practice, Tyra worked on dance routine, stunts, and chanting. She is confident and ready. 

1. Tyra wen to cheer camp. 

2. Tyra worked on dance

3. Tyra worked on stunts, 

4. Tyra worked on chanting. 

5. She is confident and ready


What is the theme for the classroom?

Let's Get Wild About Speech
