Name 2 meanings for: racket
a loud noise
a tennis playing equipment
The DILIGENT student studied every night, determined to improve her grades.
DILIGENT means hardworking, persistent
Name 2 meanings for: case
A container or box
A situation
The waiting room was packed. Everyone looked anxious, flipping through old magazines or checking their phones repeatedly. Where might this scene be taking place?
The doctor's office/ dentist
The amount of people who went to the football game DECLINED when it rained.
Dropped, became less
Clue: rain would make less people want to go to a football game
Name 2 meanings for: harbor
an area for ships on the water
to protect or hide something
After the long hike, Sarah felt FAMISHED and couldn't wait to eat a big meal.
FAMISHED means extremely hungry or starving.
Name 2 meanings for: patient
a person receiving medical treatment
able to wait calmly
Jake nervously adjusted his tie and cleared his throat. He looked at his note cards one last time before walking onto the stage. What is Jake probably about to do?
Give a presentation
Kim knew if she NEGLECTED her math homework, she would not get an A on her math test
*Give the clue for double*
Name 2 meanings for: light
not heavy
brightness or illumination
The LETHARGIC cat barely moved from its spot on the couch all day, sleeping for hours on end.
LETHARGIC means sluggish, lacking energy, or lazy.
Name 2 meanings for: charge
to rush forward
to demand payment
The class fell silent as Mr. Johnson handed out the papers. Some students smiled, while others looked worried. What kind of papers do you think Mr. Johnson is handing out?
In the summer, the school looked DESOLATE with all the empty hallways and no one around.
Empty, bare
*Give the clue for double*
Name 2 meanings for: match
a small stick for creating fire
to pair or correspond
Sarah grabbed her umbrella before leaving the house. Outside, puddles dotted the sidewalk. What can you infer about the weather?
It rained.
Name 2 meanings for: monitor
a computer screen
to watch or check something carefully
Alex rushed to the ticket counter, out of breath. He watched as the last person boarded and the doors closed. What can you infer about Alex's situation?
He was about to miss his flight.
The teacher SCOLDED Pam for being late to class everyday.
Yelled, punished
*Give the clue for double*
name 2 meanings for: fair
Just or equitable
Blonde or light-colored
Tom's stomach growled loudly. He looked at the clock and saw it was 2 PM. What meal do you think Tom missed?
Name 2 meanings for: current
happening now
a water movement
an electrical flow
The streets were empty, and all the shops had their lights off. Only the streetlamps illuminated the sidewalks. What time of day do you think it is?
Dan was RELUCTANT to turn in his assignment, knowing he did not do well on it.
*Give the clue for double*