Which Doesn't Belong?
Why Questions
Synonyms / Antonyms
Similar and Different
What Happens Next?
Which doesn't belong: lamp, TV, alarm clock, charger, chair
Chair doesn't belong because the other things are electronics that need to be plugged in
Why are mice afraid of cats?

Possible Answer #1 Mice are afraid that the cats might hurt or eat them.

Possible Answer #2 Mice are afraid of cats because they are much bigger and have sharp teeth and claws.

What is a synonym (word that means the same or nearly the same) and an antonym (word that means the opposite or nearly the opposite): OVER

Hint: I hung the picture over my bed.

Synonym: Above

Antonym: Under

Name 2 ways that a TIGER and a CAT are alike and two ways that they are different.
POSSIBLE WAYS THEY ARE ALIKE: They are both felines. They both have 4 legs and paws. They both have teeth and claws. They both have a tail.

POSSIBLE WAYS THEY ARE DIFFERENT: Tigers are bigger / cats are smaller. Tigers have stripes and not all cats have stripes. Cats can be pets but tigers aren't pets. Cats can live in houses / tigers can live in zoos. 

Bobby has brushed his teeth, put on his pajamas, turned off the light, and is laying in bed. What is he going to do next?
Bobby is going to go to sleep.
What doesn't belong: tigers, monkeys, sharks, jaguars
Sharks don't belong because they live in the ocean
Why do people need to brush their teeth?
Possible Answer #1 People should brush their teeth or they might get cavities. 

Possible Answer #2 People should brush their teeth to keep them healthy.


What is a synonym (word that means the same or nearly the same) and an antonym (word that means the opposite or nearly the opposite): NOISY

Synonym: Loud

Antonym: Quiet


Name 2 ways that a COMPUTER and a TABLET are alike and two ways that they are different.

POSSIBLE WAYS THEY ARE ALIKE: You can play games and do similar things on computers and tablets. They are both electronics. They both have to have electricity to work or to be charged.

POSSIBLE WAYS THEY ARE DIFFERENT: Computers are bigger than tablets / tablets are smaller than computers. You can carry your tablet around with you, but it can be harder to carry around a big computer. Computers usually have a keyboard and tablets usually don't.

Susie's pencil just fell on the floor and broke. Now she doesn't have a pencil to write with and she has no pens. What will she do next?
Susie will pick up her pencil and will either ask to sharpen her pencil or ask a friend for a sharpened pencil.
Which doesn't belong: Batman, Superman, Donald Trump, Spiderman
Donald Trump doesn't belong because he's the president and not a superhero
Why do people go to see the doctor?

Possible Answer #1 People go to the doctor because they are sick.

Possible Answer #2 People go to the doctor when they are sick to feel better.


What is a synonym (word that means the same or nearly the same) and an antonym (word that means the opposite or nearly the opposite): BRIEF

Hint: Recess is a brief break from working in class.

Synonym: Short

Antonym: Long


Name 2 ways that a SANDWICH and a BURGER are alike and two ways that they are different.

POSSIBLE WAYS THEY ARE ALIKE: Both are food, both have bread / meat / toppings. They are both usually lunch or dinner foods. You can eat both with sides (fries or chips).

POSSIBLE WAYS THEY ARE DIFFERENT: A burger is usually bigger than a sandwich / a sandwich is usually smaller. The meat in a burger is usually thicker than sandwich meat. People usually make sandwiches at home, and many people buy burgers at restaurants.

Robert bought cake mix and icing from the store. He paid for the ingredients and went home. He pre-heated the oven and mixed the ingredients. What will he do next?
He will put the cake in the oven to bake and might then eat the cake later.
Which doesn't belong: balloons, birthday cake, presents, dog
Dog doesn't belong because it is an animal and the other items are birthday things
Why do we have to write our names on our papers before giving them to our teachers?
Possible Answer #1 Because our teachers told us to or because that's the rule.

Possible Answer #2 Because that's how the teacher knows which one is our paper / so the teacher could tell who's paper is who's


What is a synonym (word that means the same or nearly the same) and an antonym (word that means the opposite or nearly the opposite): STARVING

Synonym: Hungry

Antonym: Full


Name 2 ways that a CAR and a BIKE are alike and two ways that they are different.

POSSIBLE WAYS THEY ARE ALIKE: They are both for transportation. People drive / ride both, and they both have to be steered. People sit on a bike and sit in a car. Both cars and trucks are faster than walking.

POSSIBLE WAYS THEY ARE DIFFERENT: A car has 4 tires and a bike have two wheels. You should wear a helmet on a bike but wear a seat belt in the car. Kids can ride bikes but adults have to drive cars.

Jenny blew out her birthday candles while everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to her. What happened next?
Jenny might eat cake with her friends and family or might open some birthday presents.
Which doesn't belong: sleeping bag, tent, microwave, flashlight
Microwave doesn't belong because it needs electricity to run and the other things are used for camping
Why shouldn't we hit others who annoy us?
Possible Answer #1 It's against the rules.

Possible Answer #2 Hitting another student will hurt them or make them upset.

Possible Answer #3 You can get in trouble for hitting others. 


What is a synonym (word that means the same or nearly the same) and an antonym (word that means the opposite or nearly the opposite): REVERSE

Hint: I had to reverse to drive the car back out of the driveway.

Synonym: Backwards

Antonym: Forwards


Name 2 ways that a FORK and a KNIFE are alike and two ways that they are different.

POSSIBLE WAYS THEY ARE ALIKE: Both are silverware (things you use to eat). They both have points (end of a knife or points on a fork). You don't use either of them to eat soup. 

POSSIBLE WAYS THEY ARE DIFFERENT: A knife cuts better than a fork. You use a fork to pick up food and people shouldn't pick up food with a knife. A knife has one point and a fork has 4 points. 

William went to the movies with his parents and brother. They bought their tickets, got some popcorn and soda, and went to sit down. What will happen next?
They will watch a movie.