Multiple Meaning Words
Meaning in Context
You left your hot dog on the picnic table and went to play baseball for a little bit. When you came back the table was cleared and your mom was getting everything packed up in the car. She hollered to you that it was time to go. What do you think happened to your hot dog?
Mom threw it away.
Butterflies in my stomach
I'm nervous
"Bark" can mean ______ or _______
What's on a tree or what sound a dog makes
Kevin may know how to layup a basketball, but my jump shot is extraordinary. What does extraordinary mean?
Really great
You and your friend were babysitting a bunch of babies while their moms were in a class. The babies were all happy, crawling around, and playing with toys. Your friend all of the sudden looked at you and pinched her nose. Then you smelled something stinky too. Where do you think the smell came from?
The baby's diaper.
You're a couch potato
You're lazy
"Bill" means ______ or _______
A dollar A ducks beak Something you get in the mail when you owe a company money Someone's name
Even though peace between the two formerly warring nations had been established for years now, the solider still woke cold from dreams of battle. What does established mean?
Settled. Already happend.
You and your friend are on a bike and the sky turns grey. Your friend looks back at you with a disappointed look on his face. Why is his face sad?
It is going to storm.
I'm all ears
I'm listening intently or waiting to hear what you have to say.
"Crane" can mean _____ or _______
A type of bird or a piece of machinery that lifts things.
After Brian broke Darcy's heart this last time, he will have to make some serious amends if he ever wants to win her back. What does amend mean?
Make it up to her. Make the relationship better.
A boy was riding his bike home from school and he rode past a car accident. It looked pretty bad because one of the cars had the windows broken out all over the ground. The next day he went to ride his bike and the tires were both flat. Why do you think they were flat?
He got a hole in his tires from the broken glass.
You are barking up the wrong tree.
You are looking in the wrong place or asking the wrong person.
"Current" can mean ______ or _______
Something that is happening right now or fast moving water in the ocean
The clues in the sentence were so helpful, Stanley was able to ascertain the meaning of the word beyond a shadow of a doubt. What does ascertain mean?
figure out
You worked for your dad all day shredding papers in his office. When you got home and went to wash your hands for dinner, you noticed two small cuts on your fingers that were'nt there before. How do you think you got those cuts?
A paper cut while shredding the papers.
Beat around the bush
Talk about something but never get to the main point. Hint at a topic or avoid a topic that you don't want to talk about.
"Season" can mean ______ or ______
A time of year or to put spices on food.
Jane could have easily offended Bertha when she informed her that the dress did not fit her well, but Jane used tact and consideration when choosing her words, so Bertha understood without being hurt. What does tact mean?
Being careful