1. taking time away from doing a task
2. Splitting something into parts
A blessing in disguise
A good thing that seemed bad at first
Antonym for empty
Hang in there
Don't give up
1. a flying insect
2. state of being
What is 'bee and be'?
1. something to cut a piece of wood
2. Seeing something
Beat around the bush
Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable
Antonym for young
I'm just pulling your leg
To joke with someone
1. listening to something
2. in, at, or to this place or position
What is
1. hear
2. here
1. front of someone's body
2. drawers or cabinet
Better to arrive late than not to come at all
Synonym for rich
We'll cross that bridge when we get to it
Let's not talk about that problem right now
1. an animal product
2. getting together with someone
What is
1. meat
2. meet
1. On a tree
2. Sound a dog makes
Easy does it
Slow down
Synonym for couch
You can say that again!
That's true, I agree
1. the opposite of yes
2. understanding something
What is
1. no
2. know
1. Trip or fall down
2. Season, Autumn
I can't wrap my head around this
I don't understand this
Antonym for remember
Your guess is as good as mine
I have no idea
1. belonging to someone
2. here or nearby
3. contraction of they are
What is
1. their
2. there
3. they're