What is the study in Spanish?
The study in Spanish is Estudio
What is the brain in spanish?
The "brain" in Spanish is cerebro
What is limbic systems?
The limbic system is the part of the brain
What is researchers?
Someone who studies a subject
GLOBE is A Model for Content-Based Language Leaning?
False, GLOBE is A Model for Content-Based Language Teaching
What is the meaning of a learning process?
The meaning in spanish is Proceso de aprendizaje
What is hemisphere?
The hemisphere is Hemisferio
What is the meaning of enhance?
The enhance is mejorar
What is the decade known as the “Decade of the Brain”?
The 1990s was the “Decade of the Brain,”
Is True
What are the senses in spanish?
The senses in Spanish is sentidos
What is the inside?
The inside in Spanish is adentro
What is meaningfully in Spanish?
The trasnlate is significativamente
Do you rememberd the firts subtitle about the text?
The first is "Brain Structures and the Corpus Callosum"
Genesee (1998), proposed that the academic content in other language programs typi cally serves as the medium for language instruction even though greater emphasis is actually placed on the acquisition of lan guage skills, rather than on the academic or cognitive skills associated with the content
What is left in spanish?
The meaning is Izquirda
What is the neuroscience in spanish?
Is Neurociencia
What is adulthood in Spanish?
The meaning is Edad adulta
What is the funtion the corpus callosum?
is responsible for transferring information across each hemisphere
It is true that (Begley, 1996), reported that the circuits of the auditory cortex of the brain are already wired by one year of age, further concluding that the learning window for full language learning is from birth to 10 years of age. This implies that the critical periods for language learning close as each child's years pass?
True. (Begley, 1996) he reported
What is right in spanish?
The meaning is Derecha
What is the acquiring in Spanish?
The meaning in spanish is "adquisición de"
What is linguistic switching in Spanish?
The meaning in Spanish Cambio lingüístico
How are the two cerebral hemispheres connected?
The two hemispheres are connected through axonal links at the central corpus callosum.
Kennedy concludes that brain-based language teaching uses multiple teaching strategies, considers different learning styles and intelligences, and follows national and local standards in all areas of instruction?
True. The author this concludes.