Main Character
Inferences/ Context Clues

Clifford the Big Red Dog is a story of a dog who lives with a girl named Emily Howard. Clifford is a dog the size of Emily's house and is more red than the wall in Mr. Feil's room. Emily lives with her parents Caroline and Mark Howard. The two have many adventures, teaching young children how to enjoy life and learn social skills.

Who are the Main Characters

Clifford and Emily


Go to the following Link: 

Identify the topic/central idea and Write a short summary. 

Topic/main idea: Coca - Cola makes you friendly/happy

Summary: Mean Joe Green is leaving the field hurt. A boy hands him a coca-cola which makes him happy. He then gives his jersey to the boy


It was an Idyllic day outside - it was sunny, warm, and no clouds in the sky

What does idyllic mean?



The movie interstellar is about a pilot who goes to Outer Space to save Earth. Cooper, the pilot, lives with his son Tom and his daughter Murph. Murph is named after Murphy's Law. In the movie, a giant dust bowl has destroyed all food on Earth. In order to save the Earth, a man named Dr. Brand who works with NASA asks Coop to fly a space ship to find a new world which is safe for humans. While Cooper is in Outer Space, Murph works furiously to try to create an equation which can harness the power of gravity. She ultimately succeeds

Who are the unnecessary Characters?

Tom and Professor Brand


Go to the Following Link:

Identify the topic and write a short summary

Topic/Main Idea: Do not let others stop you from doing what you love

Summary: An old man who used to be some type of runner is living in a retirement home. He tries to run but is always stopped by security. Finally, a friend gives him his running clothes, and all of the people watch him run


A group of boys were playing down at the train station when they felt the reverberations. They looked up and saw the train had arrived

What is a reverberation? 


Other answers are acceptable if provided proper evidence


Hunter X Hunter is a show which follows the boy Gon Freecss and his companions Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika as they travel around the world. On their adventure, the boys learn how to control spiritual energy called Nen, which gives them super powers. As Gon travels the world, he encounters many enemies: Hisoka, Chorllo Lucifer, and Meruem. These antagonists create plots to destroy the world and create issues for Gon, Netero (the chairman of the Hunter association), and Gon's dad Ging.

Who are the main characters? 

Gon, Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika 

"Hunter X Hunter is a show which follows the boy Gon Freecss and his companions Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika as they travel around the world"


Watch the following Link: 

Identify the main idea/topic and write a short summary

Topic/ Main Idea: Friendship can save lives

Summary: A dog who lives on a farm accidentally gets in a car which takes him far away from home. While exploring, the dog becomes lost and his owner goes looking for him. When the dog is coming home, a wolf is trying to eat him, but the horses come to the rescue


Jenna was unsure what she needed to do. She needed to submit her homework assignment by midnight, but also had a mandatory dinner meeting for work. She was in a catch 22

What is a catch 22?

A bad situation where both choices will have consequences 


Read the Poem: TV News (Look for date April 8th in the front of the book)

Who is the main Character? 

Brother Quang


A hurricane is a very powerful storm. It is a cyclonic storm, which means that it has a circular pattern within the hurricane. The name hurricane refers to storms that start over the Atlantic Ocean or eastern Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes are called different names in other oceans of the world. For example, they are called typhoons in the northwest Pacific. They are called cyclones in most of the rest of the world. They all have wind speeds that are mostly more than 75 miles per hour. The winds move in a circular pattern. The central point around which the storm moves is called the eye of the storm. These storms usually develop in warm, tropical oceans. They take their energy from the seawater that evaporates. Hurricanes weaken as they move over land because they depend on the warm seas to continue to supply energy as the storm moves. Land also has a much rougher surface than the ocean. Land has much greater changes in elevation and surface. Hurricanes lose power when the winds meet the land's surface and cause friction. 

Identify the Topic/main idea and write a short summary

Topic/Central Idea: Hurricanes

Hurricanes are powerful storms which start in the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean. They are called many different names around the world, but they all mean the same thing: a storm with a circular pattern. These storms use the ocean for power and energy, and die after hitting land


James was very disorganized. His room was very messy and he only had 1 folder for all 5 of his classes. He could never find anything he needed right away. His mom told him he needed to get his ducks in a row

What does "ducks in a row" mean? 

Get everything organized. 

Bonus Points: Explain the origin of the expression
