This historic policy forced Indigenous children into residential schools.
The Indian Act
When media only shows one narrow stereotype of a group, it’s called this.
Instead of saying “mankind,” you could use this more inclusive term.
Humankind or Humanity
This term refers to fairness achieved by addressing systemic inequalities.
This term refers to discrimination against age
This international document created in 1948 set a global standard for human rights.
This refers to removing harmful or outdated terms from media or public materials.
Languge Revision
This term refers to updating language to reflect respect and inclusion for Indigenous peoples.
the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.
When assumptions are made about someone's abilities because of a disability.
1960s to 70s movement that fought for gender equality
The Second wave of Feminism
The overrepresentation of white, male, cisgender voices in leadership roles.
Systemic Bias in Media
Instead of saying “disabled person,” this more respectful phrasing centers the person.
Person with a disablilty
The unearned advantages people get based on identity markers like race, gender, or class.
Discrimination based on class/economic status
The document in 1982 guaranteed rights and freedoms for all Canadians.
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
When a single story or image represents an entire group, reinforcing oversimplified ideas.
Instead of saying “fireman” you should say this.
Small, often unintentional, comments or actions that harm marginalized groups.
Language that reinforces gender stereotypes is an example of this.
In 1929, a landmark case declared that women were legally “persons” under Canadian law.
The Persons Case
Including people from various backgrounds in both on-screen roles and behind-the-scenes positions like writers, directors, and producers.
Diverse representation
Supporting and advocating for equity, even when it doesn’t directly affect you.
When someone faces multiple overlapping forms of oppression based on identity.
Bias based on racial or ethnic background.