The third planet from the sun is Earth.
What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence?
What is from the sun?
don't judge a book by its cover
don't judge someone or something by how or what it/they look like
wow! that was amazing
what is the interjection
what is wow!
under the weather
what is sick
true or false is could a helping verb
what is true
the rabbit ran beside the log
what is the preposition in the sentence
what is beside the log?
give credit where credit is due
acknowledge someones contribution or ability
yes, i would like to have a piece of bacon
what is the interjection
what is yes?
on cloud nine
very happy
true or false is it a helping verb
what is false
go through the hole to get to the garden
what is the preposition i the sentence
what is through the hole?
don't count your chickens before they hatch
wait until a good thing actually happens before making plans about it
no! don't leave me behind
what is the interjection
what is no!
when pigs fly
it will never happen
true or false is we a helping verb
what is false
lets go inside the house
what is the preposition in the sentence
what is inside the house?
actions speak louder than words
what you do is more than what you say
hurry! you don't want to be late for your first day of school
what is the interjection
what is hurry!
give a hand
to applaud or to help
what is true
lets go across the bridge
what is the preposition in the sentence
what is across the bridge?
you don't get something for nothing
everything cost something and that appers to be free must be deception
yay! i just won tickets to my favorite band
is the interjection strong or mild
what is strong
two peas in a pod
very similar in character
what is the helping verb
i am going to the movies
what is am