This is the lady. She owns Cakes and Bakes in NYC.
This is the lady who owns Cakes and Bakes in NYC.
What's the name of Seattle's baseball team?
The Mariners
Earth is the planet ____________ all humans live.
Earth is the planet where all humans live.
I left my campsite and hiked south for 3 miles. Then I turned east and hiked for 3 miles. I then turned north and hiked for 3 miles, at which time I came upon a bear inside my tent eating my food! What color was the bear?
White (The only place you can hike south for 3 miles, east for 3 miles and north for 3 miles is at the north pole.)
A new railroad is ___________ construction.
A new railroad is under construction.
Please bring the book. You bought it in the mall.
Please bring the book that you bought in the mall.
What is the first day of summer?
June 20 or 21
My broken leg is _______ I can't play the rest of the soccer season.
My broken leg is why I can't play the rest of the soccer season.
What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
Lunch and Dinner
Let's not all speak _____________ the same time.
Let's not all speak at the same time.
Mr. Lange is a young scientist. We hope he will win this year's award.
Mr. Lange is a young scientist who we hope will win this year's award.
Who owns Tesla?
Elon Musk
Yesterday was _________ I found out about the wreck.
Yesterday was when I found out about the wreck.
What makes this number unique:
It has every number from 0 to 9
Please sit down _________ a little while.
Please sit down for a little while.
The man was my neighbor. We were talking with him.
The man with whom we were talking was my neighbor.
What is the name of SpongeBob's pet snail?
The seat __________ we sat last Saturday is still free.
The seat where we sat last Saturday is still free.
Your parents have six sons including you and each son has one sister. How many people are in the family?
Emmett thinks he can't live __________ Mt. Dew.
Emmett thinks he can't live without Mt. Dew.
The apple pie was delicious. My mom baked it.
The apple pie that my mom baked was delicious.
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo da Vinci
A remember a time __________ I ate four hamburgers.
The water level in a reservoir is low, but doubles every day. It takes 60 days to fill the reservoir. How long does it take for the reservoir to become half full?
I can't believe that man has been sleeping __________ the entire play.
I can't believe that man has been sleeping throughout the entire play.
This school is the best in the country. It has 2000 students.
This school, which has 2000 students, is the best in the country.
This school, which is the best in this country, has 2000 students.
On which continent is the Amazon Rain Forest located?
South America
The place _____________ animals gather to drink is called a drinking hole.
The place where animals gather to drink is called a drinking hole.
A man describes his daughters, saying, “They are all blonde, but two; all brunette but two; and all redheaded but two.” How many daughters does he have?
Answer: Three. A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead.
____________ to the dictionary, a weevil is a beetle that is known for its elongated snout.
According to the dictionary, a weevil is a beetle that is known for its elongated snout.