this spot has hiking trails around the waterfall and a way leading to the top that provides a breathtaking view of the entire waterfall
what is Kuang si waterfall
This singer had a hit single kha jai (stuck heart) in 2018
who is Barbie Piyamarth
What is the most important city in Laos
what is Luang Prabang
Where did laos get its set of laws from?
French colonial administrators
What holiday is Dec 2nd
Lao National Day
Laos people believe that their ancestor entered the caves the first time in the middle of the 8th century what cave
what is Pak Ou Caves
whos the prime minister of laos
who is Sonexay Siphandone
This town in the vientiane province, in northern Loas
What is vang vieng
What happens to a cat if you name it after a president offical
What is death to the cat or jail time
What holiday is jan 20th
Army day
what's the oldest landmark in Laos
Wat Sisaket
Who is the famous hero of Laos?
who is Souphanouvong
how many states is there in laos
what is 17
what is vermin.
What holidays is june 2nd
Childrens day
What's the most visited land mark in laos?
what is Patuxay Victory Monument
how many people live in laos?
what is 7,839,439
What's the capital of laos
What is Vientiane
How many types of legislation are in lao
There are two types
what holiday is may 1st
Labour day
What is the most important landmark?
what is Pha That Luang Vientiane
Whos the president
who is Thongloun Sisoulith
whats the largest city in laos?
What people hold the most power in laos
Lao People's Revolutionary Party holds ultimate power and authority over state and government.
What holiday is on oct 7,
End of Buddhist Lent Day