What are the parts of Passé Composé?
Auxiliary Verb + Past Participle
Translate this to French: abstract
What does Pouvoir mean?
Can, to be able to.
What is the verb to describe an artwork as dark?
What is content in French?
Conjugate Avoir - Je ____ Tu ____ Il/Elle/On _____ Nous ____ Vous ____ Ils/Elles ______
Tu as
Il/Elle/On a
Nous avons
Vous avez
Ils/Elles ont
Translate this to English: un tableau
A painting
Conjugate Vouloir (to want) Je ___ Tu ___ Il/Elle/On ____ Nous ____ Vous ____ Ils/Elles ____
Je Veux
Tu Veux
Il/Elle/On veut
Nous voulons
Vous voulez
Ils/Elles veulent
What is the word in French to describe artwork as bright?
How do you say famous in French?
Translate this to French in Passe Compose: I watched a movie
J'ai regardé un film.
What is this?
Une sculpture
Conjugate Devoir (must) Je ___ Tu ___ Il/Elle/On ____ Nous ____ Vous ____ Ils/Elles ____
Je dois
Tu dois
Il/Elle/On doit
Nous devons
Vous devez
Ils/Elles doivent
What word would you use to describe this painting In French?
How do you say that "The painting is a masterpiece"?
Le tableau est un chef d'oeuvre
Translate this to French Passe Composse: They (m.) studied.
Ils ont étudié.
What is this in French?
un objet d'art
How do you say "I can sketch" In French?
je peux dessiner
How would you describe a sketch as a copy?
La esquisse est une copie.
How would you describe the wealth of the people in this painting?
Translate this to English (Passe Compose): Elle a dessiné un beau dessin.
She drew a nice drawing.
1.What kind of art is this?
A. une esquisse
B. une sculpture
C. un sculpture
2. Is this art work:
A. Vif
B. Sombre
3. Is the person depicted in this art work: (Select all that apply)
B. jeune
4. Does this art work contain un cadre?
A. Oui
B. Non
2. A
3. A, B
4. B
Translate this to English: "Nous allons au musée d'art et nous devons dessiner un chef-d'œuvre."
We are going to the art museum and we have to draw a masterpiece.
Give three vocab words to describe this painting:
Answers Vary:
Vif, dynamique, dessiner, realist,une scene, un paysage, etc.
Describe the ambiance/feeling of this painting: (use word ambiance, and at least 2 other vocab words.
Answers Vary. Must use "l'ambiance", possibly describe it as "sombre". ETC.