What’s Leslie’s Dogs name
Where was the first cousins trip to
What is Panama Florida
When is moms bday
What is Jan 11 1972
Who is the oldest in the room
what is Irma
How many plays is Omar involved in right now.
What is One
This dog was not wanted in the house but stole Dad Alex’s heart and stayed
What is Lola
Who in this room has not gone on a cousins trip?
Beto and Irma
How many men has mom slept with to our knowledge.
What is Two
Which sibling loves G strings most
What is Omar
How many lawsuits is Omar involved in right now
What is two
Why does Omar hate dogs
What is because his heart was broken after having to give Kingston away
What two girl cousins got into a physical fight during a cousins trip
What is Alondra and Monica
What is moms biggest worry
What is alcoholism
Who’s got the biggest body count out of the siblings
What is HOmar
What year did Omar come to America
What is 2001
Who’s the biggest dog in the house?
What is Nohelia
What did the two cousins who got into a fight break during their fight
What is A mirror
Mom participated in a business for years… what is the business
what is Mary Kay
Which sibling is most likely to take your man like a savage
What is Nohelia
Who’s the best female rapper alive (say her actual name) not her rapper name
Where is Kingston, TX? California? Louisiana? Florida? Or Alabama?
What is Louisiana
Where was the last cousins trip to
What is Puerto Rico
Who’s moms favorite male singer
What is Enrique Iglesias
What’s everyone’s horoscope in this room including mom
What is Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra, Cancer.
Name 4 guys Omar has been in love with
What is Floyd, Billy, DJ, what is Scott, Jahmani