
What is this? What is it used for?

"It is an umbrella. It is used to cover your head so you don't get wet while it rains."


Listen to the instructions from the teacher. Teacher reads instructions.

What were you told to do?

A. Draw a line under the words I know.

B. Draw a line over the words I do not know.

C. Draw a line under the words I do not know.

C. Draw a line under the words I do not know.


Read the passage:

Katrina got up early on Saturday morning. She was so excited – it was finally the weekend, and that meant she was going to take a trip to the zoo with her family. After eating a quick breakfast of cereal and toast, Katrina climbed in the back seat of the car with her brother, Ramon. Ramon loved the zoo, but he hated getting up early, so he was still a little grumpy.

Who is Roman?

Katrina's brother.


Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence.

It is good to brush your ____ every day.

A. hair

B. hairs

C. hares

A Hair


Speaking: What simple machine do you see? (speak in a complete sentence)

I see a pulley.


Look at the picture. What do you see? Describe the picture. 

"I see a magnifying glass. They are using the magnifying glass to look closer at the roots of the plant."


Listen to the instructions from the teacher. Teacher reads instructions.

What were you told to do?

A. Copy the U.S.map.

B. Write the names of the states on your map.

C. Draw a world map and write the state names on it.

B. Write the names of the states on your map.


Read the passage:

“Where should we go first?” Ramon asked, as they made their way toward the entrance. “The lions, the zebras or the elephants?” After talking for a minute, they decided that they would start with the zebras and then make their way to the elephants closer to lunch. They would take their time along the way and end the day at the gift shop.

Which type of animal was NOT mentioned in the story?

A. Pelicans

B. Elephants

C. Zebras

D. Lions



Choose the words that correctly complete the sentence. 

Ty and her class ________ for the math test.

A. does studying

B. is studying

C. are studying

C. are studying


Choose the sentence that has the correct capitalization.

A. When she goes on vacation, Tina will travel to selma alabama.

B. When she goes on vacation, tina will Travel To SelmaAlabama.

C. When she goes on vacation, Tina will travel to Selma, Alabama.

C.  When she goes on vacation, Tina will travel to Selma, Alabama.


Imagine you have been asked to share your opinion about whether students should have homework or not. Do you think homework is important? Why or why not? Provide specific examples or reasons to support your opinion.

I believe that students should have homework because it helps us practice what we learn in class. For example, when we have math homework, it gives us a chance to apply the new math concepts we've learned in class to different problems. This helps us remember the material better and become more confident in our abilities. Also, homework teaches us responsibility and time management skills. When we have assignments to complete at home, we learn how to prioritize our tasks and manage our time effectively. This is an important skill that will help us succeed not only in school but also in our future careers. Overall, homework may sometimes feel challenging, but it's ultimately beneficial for our learning and personal growth.


Listen to the article called Understanding Snakes. Listen carefully. You will only hear it once. Then you will answer some questions.

What is the purpose of the article?

A. To compare snakes and towels.

B. To tell interesting facts about snakes.

C. To tell you how to find a snake hiding in your house.

B. To tell interesting facts about snakes.


Read the passage:

Did you know that Frozen II and Frozen I are the two Disney movies that have been seen by the most people in theaters – and made the company the most money? Frozen II actually made more money than the original movie, Frozen. Both of the movies tell the story of two royal sisters and a talking snowman named Olaf. Interestingly, the first Frozen wasn’t that popular at first. It took several weeks for people to really start talking about the movie and going to see it in the theater.

Which Disney movie was seen by the most people in theaters?

A. Frozen

B. Frozen II

C. Mulan

D. Inside Out

Frozen 2


Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence.

When our class had a sub on Friday, we _____ how to make cookies.

A. learn

B. learned

C. learning

B. learned


Speaking: What do you see? What is it used for? (speak in complete sentences)

I see a compass/compass rose. It is used to show which direction you are moving in, or to show what the directions are on a map. 


You are going on a vacation with your family. Compare and contrast staying in a hotel versus staying in a tent. 

"Well, I think both staying in a hotel and camping in a tent have their own special things. Like, hotels are awesome because you get to sleep in a big, cozy bed and sometimes they have a swimming pool you can splash around in. Plus, you don't have to worry about bugs or rain because you're inside. But camping is super fun too! You get to be outside all day, hike in the woods, and roast marshmallows over a campfire at night. It feels like a real adventure! The only thing is, you have to set up your tent and sleeping bag, and sometimes it rains, but that's part of the fun too! So, I guess it depends on if you want the comfy hotel experience or the wild outdoor adventure!"


Listen to the article called Understanding Snakes. Listen carefully. You will only hear it once. Then you will answer some questions.

According to the article, what do you do if a snake is in your house?

A. Put damp towels on the floor and cover them with a dry towel.

B. Put only dry towels on the floor.

C. Put a snack on the floor to draw the snake out of hiding.

A. Put damp towels on the floor and cover them with a dry towel.


Read the passage:

When it comes to electricity, some materials are like superhighways, letting it flow fast and easy. These are conductors, like copper and aluminum. They have tiny particles called electrons that help electricity move around quickly.

But then there are materials that electricity can't easily pass through. These are insulators, like rubber and plastic. They have their particles tightly packed, making it hard for electricity to go through.

Which of the following materials is an example of a conductor?

A) Rubber B) Plastic C) Copper D) Glass

C. Copper


My friend cannot remember his birthday, ____ he does know where he was born.

A. so

B. or

C. but

C. but


Writing: What is happening in the picture? Write 2-3 sentences to describe the image.

In the picture, there is a boy looking through a telescope. He is excited to see a close-up of the planets and the stars. 


Pretend that you have been asked to present this information to your classmates. What would you say? 

"There are many benefits to eating leafy greens. First, they reverse aging. Next, they fight against diabetes. This is good because diabetes can be a dangerous disease. Also, they improve heart health. You can live a long time with good heart health! These are the reasons you should eat more leafy greens in your diet."


Listen to the article called Understanding Snakes. Listen carefully. You will only hear it once. Then you will answer some questions.

What is this article mostly about?

A. Why people fear snakes.

B. How to get a snake to come out of hiding in your house.

C. How to keep an adult with you to keep you safe from snakes.

B. How to get a snake to come out of hiding in your house.


Read the passage:

When it comes to electricity, some materials are like superhighways, letting it flow fast and easy. These are conductors, like copper and aluminum. They have tiny particles called electrons that help electricity move around quickly.

But then there are materials that electricity can't easily pass through. These are insulators, like rubber and plastic. They have their particles tightly packed, making it hard for electricity to go through.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A) Conductors and insulators are both essential for electrical systems. 

B) Insulators are more important than conductors in electrical systems. 

C) Conductors and insulators have similar properties when it comes to electricity. 

D) Insulators are materials that conduct electricity efficiently.

A) Conductors and insulators are both essential for electrical systems. 


My neighbors invited me to go shopping with ____ Friday.

A. they

B. them

C. their

B. them


Speaking: How would you present the information in the Venn Diagram to your class?

Whales and fish have many similarities and differences. They both live in water and have fins to swim. They are different because whales are mammals and have hair, but fish are not mammals. Fish lay eggs, and whales give birth to live young. Finally, whales breathe air, but fish breathe water. 