How do you say "head" in spanish?
What is la cabeza
how do you say "arms" in spanish
What is "brazos"?
How do you say "foot" in spanish
What is "el pie"?
This body part lets you smell stuff.
What is "la nariz"?
Como se dice "codo" en ingles.
What is "the elbow"?
Dentists clean these.
What is "los dientes"?
Bench press is a great exercise for this body part.
What is "el pecho"?
How do you say "ankle" in spanish?
What is "el tobillo"?
This body part lets you see.
What is "los ojos"?
Como se dice "cara" en ingles?
What is "the face"?
You can wear a ring on this part of the body
What is el dedo ?
How do you say Back in spanish.
What is "la espalda"?
These let you balance on your feet better.
What is "los dedos de pie"?
This body part is usually used to feel stuff.
What is "los dedos"?
Como se dice "pierna" en ingles?
What is "the leg"?
This body part connects your head to the rest of your body.
What is "el cuello"?
These attach your arms to your body.
What is "el hombro"?
This is the bending point of your leg.
What is "la rodilla"?
This body part lets you hear sounds.
What is "las orejas"?
Como se dice "cuerpo" en ingles?
What is "the body"?
A brush is usually used for this body part and gets rid of tangles.
What is "el cabello/el pelo"?
Food get's digested here.
What is "el estómago"?
This body part is between your hand and your arm and has another meaning.
What is la muñeca ?
This body part lets you taste flavors.
What is "la lengua"?
Como se dice "boca" en ingles?
What is "the mouth"?