How many girls are in this classroom?
What is 6
What is the name of the nurse?
Who is Mrs. Ceccarelli?
What is 2?
How many stickers did you need on your chart to get a prize?
What is 25?
Name an animal that looks NOTHING like it does as an adult when it is born?
What is a frog, butterfly, kangaroo, panda, etc.
How many boys are in this classroom? (counting all 14 kids in our original class)
What is 8?
Name the teachers for Art/Music/Computers
Who is Mrs. Hansen, Miss Lotrek, and Mrs. Strader?
In what room do we eat lunch, attend assemblies, and participate in gym class?
What is the gymnasium (cafeteria)?
How old am I?
What is 34?
What do most animals that live underwater have instead of lungs?
What are gills?
What state did Tate travel to for spring and summer?
What is Kentucky?
Name the teachers for Gym/Spanish/Library
Who are Mr. McGlone, Senora Bonnie, and Mrs. Lettiere?
What teachers are on both sides of our classroom?
Who are Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Geisse?
What was C day for our countdown to the end of the year?
All of them!!!
What country did Sakura travel to and what continent is it part of?
What is Japan and Asia?
Who is the principal of our school and who is the superintednent?
Who are Mr. Bernier and Dr. Seitsinger?
What grades are upstairs?
What is 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th?
What yoga position has your hands and feet on the floor with your bottom up in the air. Hint, it can look like a triangle?
What is down-dog?
Name 5 animals you might find in a rainforest?
How many friends in the classroom in the beginning of the year including the teachers!
What is 17?
Who are the two helper teachers we had this year that were the best friends and teachers I could have ever hoped for?????
Who are Miss Brenna and Ms. Barbara?
What is the name of the other school the big kids go to?
What grades have I taught?
What is Kindergarten, 3rd, and 4th?
What habitat do we find Fennec Fox?
What is the desert?