Catz and Starr
Completely Legit and Fair Questions
slay <3

Andrew dislikes even integers, prime integers, integer powers of 3, and integers that have a 1 in their decimal representation. What is the smallest positive integer that Andrew does not dislike?



Catz and Starr are competing in basketball. Catz makes 70% of his free throws and 30% of his three-point shots. Starr makes 30% of his free throws and 70% of his three-point shots. If each of them took 10 free throw and 10 three-point attempts, how many more points did Starr score than Catz?



Positive integers x, y, and z have the property that 3x + 4y + 3z, 7y + 3z, and x + 9z form an arithmetic sequence in some order.

Compute the smallest possible value of x + y + z.



This year, David secured A dollars of funding from the Student Union for Math Team. Submit an estimate E for A. 

Your goal is to maximize min(A/E, E/A). If that value is greater than 0.5, your team receives 100 points. 

6000 dollars
Any answer in the range (3000, 12000) is accepted. 


What is Mr. Kats' favorite number?



Andrew uses base 4 a lot, since he adores numbers that are less than four. However, in his excitement, he says, "I love base 4!" causing Calvin to think that Andrew prefers base 4! = 24. When Andrew writes a two-digit base 4 number on the board, Calvin therefore reads it as a base 24 number whose value is five times Andrew's intended value. Find the sum of all possible values of Andrew's number in base 10.



Catz is thinking of a tens digit and Starr is thinking of a ones digit. Combining these digits gives a two-digit prime. Starr says to Catz, I know your digit is not 7. Catz says, Ah, our digits have a sum of 8. Assuming Catz and Starr are perfect logicians, what is the two-digit prime that their digits form?  



The measures of the angles of Pentagon SMART are in an arithmetic sequence in some order. If
- SMART is convex
- SMART has no right angles
- All angle measures of SMART are integers
- Four times the smallest angle is larger than the largest angle
- Barry B. Benson is actually your fairy godmother
What is the measure of the third largest angle?

108 degrees
(You literally didn't have to read all that)


Andrew has a K-pop playlist on Spotify with 29 songs. Estimate the total length of the playlist in seconds. 

The two closest teams will each receive 200 points. Your goal is to minimize the value of |A - E|, where A is the actual answer and E is your estimate.

5832 seconds


What world language class do each of Aditya, Andrew, Calvin, David, and Mikayla take?

Aditya - French
Andrew - Spanish
Calvin, David, Mikayla - Mandarin


Andruwu randomly rearranges the letters ANDRUWU. What is the probability that the gap between the two Us is at least 2 letters?



Points A, C, R, S, T, and Z are situated such that C, A, T, Z and S, T, A, R form squares P and Q with different side lengths. Let U be the union of P and Q. What is the largest possible ratio of the area of U to the area of Q?



The answer to 1 + 1 may be expressed as (A + BsqrtC + De)/E for integers A, B, C, D, and E, where C is positive and squarefree, e is Euler's number, and gcd(A, B, D, E) = 1. Compute the product ABCDE.



Estimate the number of messages sent in the #general channel of the Stuy MT Discord server.

The two closest teams will each receive 300 points. Your goal is to minimize the value of |A - E|, where A is the actual answer and E is your estimate.

101,151 messages


How many people has Calvin confessed to?

0 lmao


Points R, E, and W are situated on sides ND, DA, and AN of triangle AND so that E and W are the midpoints of their corresponding sides. If quadrilaterals ANRE and ADRW have areas 14 and 22 respectively, compute the difference in the areas of AND and REW.


Catz and Starr are meeting up for lunch. Catz will arrive at a random time from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. Starr will arrive at a random time from 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM. Each of them will wait 10 minutes for each other before leaving. What is the probability that Catz and Starr will have lunch?



A powerful being is thinking of a four-digit number less than 5000 with these properties:

- It contains exactly one zero
- It has 6 factors
- It is 2 away from the nearest square

What number is the powerful being thinking of?



Estimate the largest number of kilobytes in a SophFrosh practice material file.

The two closest teams will each receive 400 points. Your goal is to minimize the value of |A - E|, where A is the actual answer and E is your estimate.

1,794.048 kilobytes


Andrew has lost his phone exactly once in a Stuyvesant classroom. Which room did he lose it in? 

(I got it back don't worry)


Andrew, who is located at (0, 0) in the Cartesian plane, is trying to get to school, which is at (10, 7), on time, so that he does not incur the wrath of his favorite teacher Mr. Catz. Each minute, Andrew randomly walks one unit up or to the right, making sure to never go past the lines x = 10 or y = 7. Moreover, there is a subway at (5, 4) which can transport Andrew to school at twice his walking speed.

If Andrew has 13 minutes to get to school, what's the probability that Mr. Catz does not smite Andrew?



Catz and his arch-nemesis Fin get onto the same train. There are eight seats in a row, four of which are randomly taken by other people. What is the probability that Catz can sit down in an empty seat and guarantee that Fin cannot sit next to him? 



Is this true, false, or unsolved?

An integer n > 1 is prime if and only if n divides the quantity 2^n - 2.

This conjecture is called the Chinese Hypothesis, and its smallest counterexamples are n = 341 and n = 561.


The SophFrosh practice team procrastinates a lot. Estimate the smallest difference, in minutes, between the time that materials were uploaded to Google Drive and the time that the corresponding practice started.

The two closest teams will each receive 500 points. Your goal is to minimize the value of |A - E|, where A is the actual answer and E is your estimate.

147 minutes


State which borough each of Aditya, Andrew, Calvin, David, and Mikayla live in.

Aditya - Queens
Andrew - Queens
Calvin - Queens
David - Manhattan
Mikayla - Queens
