What is the nervous system?
A system that includes the brain and spinal cord
What’s your favorite way to manage stress?
Depends on the person who volunteered!
How many hours should you get of sleep?
8-12 hours
What is a stimulant?
A substance that boots your heart rate/energy!
What is a depressant?
A drug that slows down brain activity
What is an example of an excitability?
Exercise, art, there are a lot!
What college will Aillie be attending in the fall?
What‘s something you should do to balance school?
Set aside time to work on the schoolwork
What does a stimulant produce?
What can depressants be used for?
To treat insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, seizures, calm person down overall
Define Tolerance
The ability to handle a chemical
What‘s one way to manage stress?
Get enough sleep, exercise, talking to a trusted adult, get outside!
What is an example of spiritual health?
What is the most common stimulant?
Is it possible to overdose a depressant?
Yes! This is true with many other drugs
Define Addiction
When someone can’t function without taking the drug
True or False? Anger is a normal emotion
What is an example of emotional health?
Self-Love, knowing that you are great
What are the most common stimulants with nicotine?
Drugs and Vapes
What is a popular depressant?
Define Synergistic Effect
When you combine two chemicals, it makes the effect greater
Can stress in moderation be healthy?
Should you surround yourself with good role models?
What are the negative effects of stimulants?
Dehydration, Dizziness, Headaches, may lead to addiction of more drugs
What are the negative effects of depressants?
Increase in slurred speech, lightheadedness, vomiting and slower breathing