What are the 2 meanings the word "sink" can have?
Sink (noun): where you wash your hands
Sink (verb): the rock sinks in the water
What is a noun?
Person, place, or thing.
Correct plural forms for:
a) man
b) woman
a) men
b) women
Unscramble this sentence:
cold is it.
It is cold.
What is Mrs. Hill's job at school?
Speech Therapist
Give 2 synonyms for the word "mad".
Furious, angry, annoyed, etc.
What is a verb?
An action word. Something you do.
Correct past tense form of: SAY
a) says
b) sayed
c) said
c) said
Grammar check: I are feeling good.
Correct? Incorrect?
+100 points to fix it.
Who is Mrs. Hill's alter ego?
What is the opposite of "narrow"?
What is an adjective?
A describing word.
The correct plural form of:
Do you like bacon for breakfast!
Using COPS
C- capitalization
O- order
P- punctuation
S- spelling
What needs to be edited in this sentence?
P- punctuation
Do you like bacon for breakfast?
What color car does Mrs. Hill have?
If somebody says "That's not your best work. It looks like you were cutting corners." What does cutting corners mean?
Not giving your best effort. Being lazy. Cheating.
Label the parts of speech for the underlined words in this sentence:
The brown dog chased the blue ball.
brown, blue= ADJ
dog, ball= N
chased= V
The correct past tense form of:
Unscramble this sentence:
meet will I later you.
I will meet you later.
What sport does Mrs. Hill coach at PHS and PMS?
Name 5 types of severe weather (worse than a thunderstorm):
tornado, hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, hail, flood, sandstorm, blizzard, etc.
Label the parts of speech for the underlined words in this sentence:
The zany giraffe galavanted across the field to jabber with his chums.
zany= ADJ
galavanted, jabber= V
giraffe, field, chums= N
C'mon guys... we've done this like 5 times this year...
What is the correct plural form of "ox"
Grammar check: I was go to the mall tomorrow.
Correct? Incorrect?
+200 to fix it.
What is Mrs. Hill's dog's name?