Middle Adulthood
Life Changes
Aging and Memory
Aging & Intelligence
Death & Dying
Sensory ability and reaction time reach their peak in the physical develpment in adult life...
What is mid-twenties
The newborn female population is ______ the newborn male population, and women have a _____ life expectancy than do men.
What is smaller than; longer
The deterioration of memory, reasoning, and language that accompanies Alzheimer’s disease is called:
What is dementia
In which research method are the same people retested over a period of years?
What is logitudinal
In Erriksonn's theory, the sense of integrity achieved in late adulthood refers to the feeling that:
What is one's life has been meaningful
Judy has recently had periods of mild physical discomfort and profuse sweating. her doctor notes that her estrogen level is low. It is most likely that Judy is expereincing?
What is menopause
As people progress into old age, their disease-fighting immune systems become ____ and they process information ______ rapidly.
What is weaker; less
An irreversible brain disorder marked by a deterioration of reasoning and memory is called
What is Alzheimer's disease
Crystallized intelligence refers most directly to a person’s
What is accumulated knowledge and verbal skills
As adults advance in age, their positive and negative moods become ____ extreme and ____ enduring
What is less; more
Menopause is associated with a reduction in:
What is estrogen
Evolutionary biologists have suggested that the symptoms of physiological degeneration that accompany old age in humans are a:
What is genetically predisposed outcome
An early sign of Alzheimer’s disease would most likely be:
What is difficulty in naming familiar objects or people
Which term refers to a person's ability to reason abstractly?
What is fluid intelligence
According to Erikson, the elderly can most effectively cope with the prospect of their own death if they have achieved a sense of:
What is integrity
In surveying women who either had or had not yet experienced menopause, researchers have discovered that postmenopausal women frequently agree that after menopause women feel _________________?
What is feeling better (than they have for years )
In the physical changes in later life research on people aged 65 and over has shown that:
What is loss of visual sensitivity
In recall and recognition tests of memory for recently learned material, older adults are more likely than young adults to have difficulty:
What is recalling meaningless material
The idea that adult intelligence declines with age has been challenged most effectively by what reseach practice?
What is longitudinal research
A stage theory of development has been advanced by:
Who are Kohlberg, Erikson, and Piaget
In the study of 3000 midlife adults, most postmenopausal women recalled feelings of with the onset of menopause.
What is relief
Judson is a 70-year-old retired automobile mechanic. In contrast to (his health) when he was 20, he now probably:
What is less susceptible to catching colds
Tonya asks people of different ages to complete a measure of life satisfaction. She then looks for life satisfaction differences across different age levels. Tonya is conducting a ________ study
What is cross-sectional
On which tasks are 55-year-old adults most likely to perform just as effectively as they could 30 years earlier: writing a story or an abstract geometry problem?
What is writing a story
Ralph, a 70-year-old retired accountant, feels that his life has been worthless and meaningless. According to Erikson, Ralph has failed to achieve a sense of
What is integrity