Mr. Bee receives assistance of 1 to pull up his pants. He uses the call light after he cleanses himself. The CNA cues him to stand then guides his hand to grasp the top of his pants.
What is limited assistance with toilet use
Mrs. Bee feeds herself the first half of her meal and then stops. The CNA picks up her spoon feeds her a bite and then places her the spoon and she will start to eat again.
What is extensive assistance of 1 with eating
How the resident eats and drinks, regardless of skill. Do not include eating/drinking during medication pass. Includes intake of nourishment by other means (e.g., tube feeding, total parenteral nutrition, IV fluids administered for nutrition or hydration)
What is the definition of Eating per the RAI manual?
how the resident moves to and from a lying position, turns side to side, and positions body while in bed or alternate sleep furniture
What is the definition of bed mobility per the RAI manual
ADL's for the 7 day look back period are... Bed mobility 3/3, Transfers 3/3, Eating 1/1 and toilet use 3/3
What is an ADL score of 12?
Mr. Allen needs assistance to button and zip his pants after toileting
What is extensive assistance with toilet use
Mr. Allen needs encouragement to drink fluids at night. Staff offers fluids by picking up the cup and handing it to him instead the resident sits up and steadies the straw never holding the cup with each round on night shift.
What is extensive assistance of 1 with eating
how the resident uses the toilet room, commode, bedpan, or urinal; transfers on/off toilet; cleanses self after elimination; changes pad; manages ostomy or catheter; and adjusts clothes. Do not include emptying of bedpan, urinal, bedside commode, catheter bag or ostomy bag
What is the definition of Toilet use per the RAI manual
Ms. Jones can walk on the dementia unit with no assistance. She does need assistance to go from sitting to standing. The CNA pulls her up to standing position.
What is extensive assistance of 1 with transfers?
Bed mobility 3/3
Transfers 3/3
Eating 3/2
Toilet use 3/3
What is and ADL score of 15
Mrs. Gee is continent and weighs 300lbs and needs 2 people to roll side to side. She does not participate and depends on staff to cleanse her after using the bedpan
What is total Dependence of 2 for toilet use
Mr. Allen can roll side to side but slides down in bed and cannot push himself up. He is thin and has fragile skin. Two staff members pull him up 1 time on night shift
What is extensive assistance of 2 with bed mobility
how resident moves between surfaces including to or from: bed, chair, wheelchair, standing position (excludes to/from bath/toilet)
What is Transfers
Mr. Allen can roll side to side without assistance. He slides down in bed and cannot pull himself back up. It takes 2 staff members to pull him up in bed before breakfast.
What is extensive assistance with 2 staff for bed mobility
Bed Mobility 3/3
Transfers 3/3
Eating 2/2
Toilet Use 2/2
What is an ADL score of 9
Also make this make sense????
Mr. Smith is incontinent of bowel and bladder staff must anticipate all needs he does not follow cues does not attempt movement when asked to stand, roll side to side. He does not participate in any of the toileting task.
What is total dependence with toilet use
Mr. Big is NPO and all nutrition goes through his g-tube. He does not participate in this activity
What is total dependence for eating
I need no assistance with bed mobility, transfers, toilet use, or eating
What is independent?
how resident moves to and from lying position, turns side to side, and positions body while in bed or alternate sleep furniture
What is bed mobility
The CNA reported I have to go to Mr. Bee's room every 15 minutes during a meal. I have to hand him his fork then guide his hand towards his mouth and then he will start eating again by himself
What is Extensive assistance of 1 with Eating?
Mrs. Plump walks on the dementia unit all day. She goes to the toilet but does not wipe or clean her self after. She has periods where she will be cooperative to allow staff to assist and at other times she becomes combative and angry. Two staff members must always be present when assisting her due to her sudden changes in combative behavior.
What is extensive assistance of 2 with toilet use
The CNA delivered a tray to Mrs. Smith she needed the CNA to butter her bread and cut her meat. She then ate 100% of her meal with no further assistance.
What is independent with set up assistance.
Bed mobility, Transfers, Eating, Toilet use
What are late loss ADL's
Mr. J can roll to the left side in bed but cannot roll to the right side due to hemiplegia. The CNA rolls resident to the right side requiring full weight bearing assistance.
What is extensive assistance with bed mobility
I asked Mr. Bee to stand up and held his hand while I guided him to the bathroom. I waited on him to finish and then went in to help him adjust his pants.
What is extensive assistance of 1 with toilet use