Before allowing futures trading of Oil & Gas, NYMEX was well known for it's futures trading on what crop?
The accumulation of stratigraphic sequences by deposition that stacks beds atop each other, building upwards during periods of balance between sediment supply and accommodation.
A numerical estimate of the chances of an event occurring given a limited number of opportunities for the event to occur.
Personnel who operate the drilling rig. The crew typically consists of roustabouts, roughnecks, floor hands, lead tong operators, motormen, derrickmen, assistant drillers, and the driller.
drilling crew
A gas that can form acidic solutions when mixed with water
acid gas
In the oil industry, what is the term used to describe a giant oil field?
An elephant
Pertaining to the subaerial (as opposed to submarine) environment, action and products of a stream or river on its floodplain, usually consisting of detrital clastic sediments, and distinct from subaqueous deposition such as in lakes or oceans and lower energy fluvial deposition
A characteristic of a model of a reservoir that may or may not vary with respect to position or with time.
A container, usually made of steel and fitted with a sturdy lock, to store drill bits, especially higher cost PDC and diamond bits.
bit box
The amount of time a liquid stays in a vessel
retention time
An important region for Gazprom because it produces 95% of Russia's natural gas, name this region that is often associated with Tundra.
The phase of petroleum operations that immediately follows successful exploratory drilling
A fault whose primary movement is in the strike direction (usually horizontal).
Strike Fault
The surface force per unit area exerted at the top of a wellbore when it is closed at either the Christmas tree or the BOP stack.
SIP / shut in pressure
In a glycol dehydrator unit, the cylinder composed of various perforated trays in which wet gas and glycol are put in contact
glycol absorber
How many barrels of oil did Japan accidentally destroy during the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
4.5 million bbl
Organisms that live at the bottom of a body of water
A graphical representation of the degree of agreement between segments of curves being correlated between different wells.
A mud motor incorporating a bent housing that may be stabilized like a rotary bottomhole assembly. It can be used to steer the wellbore without drillstring rotation in directional drilling operations, or to drill ahead in a rotary drilling mode.
steerable motor
A supertanker with 500,000 deadweight tons of capacity or more
ULCC / ultralarge crude carrier
In 1999,the world's largest drilling fluids company was created through a joint venture between Schlumberger and which other service company?
Smith Inernational
Pertaining to a strike-slip fault or right-lateral fault in which the block across the fault moves to the right
A discontinuous parabola kernel that is used in contouring areal density of data points in a crossplot.
Epanechnikov Kernel
Mobil Oil Company first used this term in the early 1980s for drilling directional wells in which the drilled horizontal reach (HR) attained at total depth (TD) exceeded the true vertical depth (TVD) by a factor greater than or equal to two.
Extended Reach Drilling (ERD)
An 800-mile [1287-km], 48-in [122-cm] pipeline that transports more than 1 million barrels of oil from Deadhorse (near Prudhoe Bay) to Valdez, Alaska, USA
TAPS / Trans Alaska Pipeline System