Deck the Halls with _________
boughs of holly, Fa la la la la la la la la
This traditional treat frequently comes in red and white with a fresh scent
What are the 2 foods that are requested every family holiday
jell-o salad & shepards bread
Most popular decoration in homes for Christmas
Christmas tree
What is the name of the city that the Grinch burgles on Christmas
Frosty the sowman was a __________?
jolly happy soul
Edible structures made during the holidays
What food gets the rule of three in the Christmas dinner table
This U.S. state is home of a large Christmas tree that is lit in the city every year.
New York
What is the name of the Grinch's dog
what decade was the song "White Christmas" written in
Food made during the holidays that normally isn't eaten but is a tradition
fruit cake
What gets hidden in the Thomsen Christmas tree every year?
A squirrel
This Christmas drink dates back to medieval times
In the Polar Express, this drink is served and guests are warned to "Never, ever, let it cool"
Hot Chocolate
In the song "The 12 days of Christmas" what was the gift on the 10th day
10 Lords a leaping
4 main food groups acording to Buddy the Elf (hint 3c 1s)
Candy, Candy Corn, Cany canes, and syrup
Grandma's card game of choice
Hand and foot
This country celebrates Christmas by eating KFC fried chicken
What year did Rudolph the red nose raindeer first play
What is the most played Christmas song
All I want from Christmas is you=-Mariah Carey
Who started the Hippo
The mascots of Coca-Cola
Polar bears
How many lights are on the Grisworlds house
25,000 imported Italian twinkle lights