When do you use the Nominative Case? (2 ways)
Subject of a sentence, with the verb "to be" as a complement
Example: Davus est servus
translate: clamant
(do you know its declension?)
they yell, cry, scream
1st declension (verbs that end in "are" in the infinitive)
Which adjective agrees with "puella"?
a. bonus b. bonae c. bona
How do Adjectives have to agree with the noun they describe?
c. bona
1. grammatical gender (adjective is flexible, noun is not)
2. case (nominative, accusative..._
3. number (singular / plural)
In the sentence "agricola in fundo laborat" what case and number is "agricola"?
Nominative singular
Quis est frater Corneliae?
When do you use the Accusative Case? (2 ways)
- Can you give an example for each?
Direct object of a sentence, with accusative prepositions
Cornelia prope rivum ambulat. Cornelia videt lupum.
Translate: "Abite!"
(could you name the infinitive of this verb?)
"Go away!"
ab+ire = abire (to go away)
ire = irregular verb!
Which adjective agrees with "leonem"?
a. bonum b. bona c. boni
a. bonum
In the sentence "Belimicus ursam conspicit" what case and number is "ursam"?
Any clue what ursa or ursus means? You can find examples of it in my classroom!
Accusative singular
Name the two adverbs that mean "also"
etiam, quoque
When do you use the Ablative Case? Be specific
With prepositions like ex, sub, in...
Marcus ex horto currit
Flavia sub arbore sedet
Cornelii in villa habitant.
How would you translate "we are"?
Do you remember it's irregular infinitive?
Interea - translate
In the sentence "Holconius de his hominibus nihil curat" what is the case and number of "his hominibus"?
How can you tell? Explain!
Ablative Plural
In the sentence "flores, qui in horto sunt, regem delectaverunt", what case and number is qui?
Nominative Plural
(it refers to "flores", the flowers and takes the place of the subject)
When and how do you use the vocative? Write an example on the board!
"Cave, Geta!"
What might this translate to? "vultis"
What kind of verb is "vultis"? Can you explain?
You (all) want
Which one means finally?
tamen, tandem, statim, tum or dum
Davus omnes servos convocat et rogat:"Ubi est Geta?"
What is the case of "omnes"?
Is there another word in that case?
Acc. Plural
servos (omnes describes "servos" as "all (of the slaves))
In the sentence "puer, quem Aegyptii interfecerunt (they had killed), Quintum fortiter defendebat (past tense!)", what is the case and number of "quem"?
Can you translate the sentence ?
Accusative Singular (remember: the "m"!)
Identify the case of each noun/pronoun in the sentence:
Magna voce clamat:"Pueri scelesti, cur vos me non auditis?"
(magna)voce = abl. Sing., Pueri (scelesti)= Voc. Pl., vos = nom, me = acc
Give all 6 forms of "ire" = to go
eo, is , it, imus, itis, eunt
Which adjective agrees with "mater"?
a. bonus b. bona c. bonum
Why do they not have the same ending?
a. bona
mater is a 3rd declension noun. "Bonus" only agrees with 1st and 2nd declension nouns1
In the sentence "Canes tunicam olfaciunt et mox vestigia Getae inveniunt"what is the case and number of "Getae"?
What does the word GETAE do?
Genitive Sing.
It tells us who the "owner" of the "vestigia" is.
In the sentence "aula, in qua Cogidubnus habitabat, erat prope mare" what is the case and number of "qua"? What is the case and number of "mare" (the sea)
Ablative Singular (qua) - WHY?
Accusative singular (mare) How do we know?