This is the present first person singular translation of the irregular verb to be
What is sum?
This Latin verb means "to call" and is used when summoning someone. (-re ending only)
What is vocāre?
This word means why in Latin
What is cūr?
This case is used for direct objects.
What is the accusative case?
This goddess of the hunt, the moon, and childbirth was often depicted with a bow and accompanied by a deer.
Who is Diana?
This is the present 2nd person plural translation of the irregular verb to be
What is estis?
This is a location in a home that one would often receive visitors or lounge.
What is the ātrium?
This word means where in Latin
What is ubi?
This case is used to express "by," "with," or "from" in Latin.
What is the ablative case?
This type of Roman garment, worn by citizens, symbolized status and was required for appearing in public or during formal occasions.
What is the toga?
This is the perfect 2nd person singular translation of the irregular verb to be
What is fuistī?
Grumio served in this function when working for his master's family.
What is a/the coquus?
This word means however in Latin
In the sentence liber patris est, what is the case of patris?
What is the genitive case, showing possession (the book is the fathers)?
Romans used this structure to supply cities with fresh water, often over long distances, using gravity alone.
What is an aqueduct?
This is the imperfect 3rd person plural translation of the irregular verb to be
What is erant?
This word means young man in Latin
What is iuvenis?
This word means often in Latin
What is saepe?
This case is used when directly addressing someone in Latin.
Hint: Perhaps in a direct order, or shout
What is the vocative case?
This Roman festival, held on December 17th, was a celebration of Saturn, the god of agriculture, and featured feasting, gift-giving, and a temporary social role reversal.
What is Saturnalia?
This is the perfect 2nd person plural translation of the irregular verb to be
What is fuistis?
This "Q" Latin word is one you would use if you were searching for or looking for something.
What is quaerit?
This word means suddenly in Latin
What is subitō?
In the sentence puella matri donum dedit, identify the case of matri.
What is the dative case, used for the indirect object (to/for the mother)?
This Roman emperor claimed divine ancestry from Venus and Julius Caesar and built a famous forum dedicated to his family lineage.
Who is Augustus?