What is the Roman numeral for seven?
Parse and Translate "sum"
1st person singular; I am
What are the three genders of nouns?
Masculine, Feminine, Neuter
The Romans were
A) Polytheistic
B) Monotheistic
A) Polytheistic
What does "pater, patris, m" mean?
Give the Latin verb for "you all are"
Give the stem of the noun: puer, pueri, m
Give the ROMAN name for the king of the gods (also the god of thunder and lightning)
What is the Latin word for "fish"?
piscis, piscis, m/f
Parse and translate ducimus from duco, ducere - to lead
1st person plural; we lead
Define case.
The function of a noun
Before believing in gods and goddesses, what did the Romans believe?
Animism - the belief that everything around them was alive/has a spirit
What does "gero, gerere" mean?
to wear (clothing); to wage (war)
Parse and translate "capere" from capio, capere - to take
infinitive; to take
Define direct object
the noun that receives the action directly
What was one reason that the Romans did not like Christians or Jews?
Romans believed in many gods while Christians/Jews believe in one God
Christians and Jew did not participate in Roman religious festivals
different views on the afterife
What does "sagulum, saguli, n" mean?
Form 3rd person plural of amo, amare - to love in Latin (they love)
define Indirect object.
the nouns to/for whom the action is completed
Who was the god of doorways, exits, entrances, ends, and beginnings?