According to the prophecy, Peleus was to be killed by a man wearing this thing.
What is one shoe?
The faithful weaver
Who is Penelope?
The perfect passive participle is formed using this principal part.
What is the fourth principal part?
Responde in Latine: habemus decem in manus
Quae sunt digiti?
Finish the lyric: "you, with your words like knives and swords and weapons...."
What is "that you use against me?"
Jason and his Argonauts passed this rock formation, barely escaping with their lives.
Lost a footrace for being too helpful
Who is Atalanta?
Participles behave like this part of speech.
What are adjectives?
Responde in Latine: habemus unum in corpore. id collocat multas res, sicut aures et oculos et nasos et labias, et oras...
Quid est capite?
Who is Helen?
Jason's second task involved him fighting this race of men formed by planting dragons teeth.
What are the Spartoi?
Monster defeated by Medusa's gaze
Who/what is Cetus?
This type of ablative is usually paired with a passive voice construction to express the person or thing doing the action.
What is an ablative of agent?
Responde in Latine: habemus duos hos in capite. etiam hi res vident.
Quae sunt oculos?
What is manumission?
His daughters made this man into a soup.
Pegasus' owner
Who is Bellerophon?
The present active participle is formed with this principal part.
What is the second principal part?
Responde in Latine: habemus duo in corpore; haec in complexu saepa tenent.
This goddess was the only Greek deity to accept human sacrifices.
Who is Artemis?
When Jason returns with the golden fleece, he will reclaim the throne of this kingdom.
What is Iolchus?
Left behind on Crete
Who is Ariadne?
According to this sentence, this person is standing in the middle of the road:
Clemens Phormionem in media via stantem videt.
Who is Phormio?
Responde in Latine: habemus duo in corpore; his ambulare possumus
Quae sunt pedes?