You (pl.) in Latin.
What is "vos"?
What is canine? (canis)
I sing.
Nom. plural of magister
The bad dog takes care of good meat.
Canis malus carnem bonam curat.
Door in Latin.
What is "ianua"?
Killing a brother.
What is fratricide? (frater)
He teaches.
Acc. plural of taberna.
The merchants walk to the boy and the tall building.
Mercatores ad puerum et aedificium longum ambulant.
Mother in Latin.
What is "mater"?
A connection with someone, similar to a connection between a parent and daughter.
What is an "affiliation"? (filia/filius)
I must laugh.
Debeo ridere.
Acc singular of puer.
Write this beautiful word!
Scribe/Scribite hoc vocabulum bellum!
To worship in Latin.
Where grapes grow from.
What is a "vine"? (vinum)
We take good care of him.
Eum bene curamus.
Acc. singular of caro.
They stop in the Roman road.
Consistunt in via Romana.
To drink in Latin.
What is "bibere"?
Not important, like conversation at the intersection of 3 roads.
What is trivial? (via)
I drink wine.
Vinum bibo.
Acc. plural of signum.
In the city of Rome, there are dirty dogs, dirty roads, dirty walls, and dirty statues. However, we love all the beautiful, wide windows.
In urbe Roma, sunt canes sordidi et viae sordidae et muri sordidi et signa sordida. Tamen, omnes latas fenestras bellas amamus.