This is the name for the ancient city which the Mexica (aka the Aztec) people founded as their capital
What is Tenochtitlan
While most of Latin America is known for its large Spanish speaking population, Brazil is known for speaking which language:
What is Portuguese
PHOTO JEOPARDY!!!! Which Mountains are depicted in this picture??
What is the Andes Mountains
PHOTO JEOPARDY!!! Identify the two island chains in the picture:
What are the Greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles
Mr. L spent his Spring Break doing what?!?!?
What is writing a HUGE paper
This mountain range runs along the "Western" region of Mexico
What is Sierra Madre Occidental
Over half of the world's rain forest is located in Brazil - which rain forest is it??
What is The Amazon Rain forest
Pampas, Llanos, and Cerrados are a type of what??
What is plains/savannas/grasslands
Soon after separating from Mexico, the Central American territories called themselves by this name:
What is The United Provinces of Central America
The baseball team known as the A's is located in which region of the United States and in which city?
What is the West/Oakland
Identify the name of THIS mountain range that runs along the Eastern side of Mexico
What is Sierra Madre Oriental
The Amazon river discharges how many cubic feet of water per second every day?
What is 7,000,000!
The area covering Northeastern Argentina has WHICH type of climate?
What is Humid Subtropical
Which country financed and built the Panama Canal?
What is The United States
What theme are Mr. L's coffee mugs?
What is Christmas!
PHOTO JEOPARDY!!!! This photo which was taken off the Gulf of Mexico, is exemplary of which of Mexico's key economic industries??
What is Petroleum/Oil manufacturing
PHOTO JEOPARDY!!! This area marks an area of high elevation in Brazil, most notably, this specific land form called - what?
What is Highlands/Brazilian Highlands
What did the historical figure Simon Bolivar do in many South American countries??
What is help them gain independence from Spain
PHOTO JEOPARDY!!!!! What is being built in this picture?
What is the Panama Canal
PHOTO JEOPARDY!!!! Why is Sponge Bob crying in this picture??
What is because he's been told he's not a good noodle
Emigration refers to:
What is the movement of people from Mexico and other Latin American Countries in search of work
Deforestation is the process of cutting down trees for human use of the land - economic and otherwise. What themes of geography can you apply to this phenomena? Justify your response.
What is ALL OF THEM!
The Quechua language was spoken by this ancient native group that lived in the Andes mountains:
What is The Inca
The building of the Panama Canal can be attributed to which themes of Geography - justify your answers!