The Caribbean Islands are also referred to as ___
What are the West Indies
This Person is considered a Cuban national hero because of his role in liberating his country from Spain.
Who is Jose' Marti?
The ruling class of Spanish officials who were born in Spain.
What is peninsular?
The 1853 purchase by the US of a piece of land from northern Mexico
What is the Gadsden Purchase?
This president brought free, honest elections.
Who is Francisco Madero?
A place governed by or closely connected with a country that it is not officially part of
What is Dependency
Poor nutrition, usually from not eating the right foods can result in poor health
What is Malnutrition?
A system in which Spanish men control Native American villages who pay tribute in goods, money, or labor to them
What is encomienda?
A community farm owned by all the villagers together.
What is ejido?
A priest who led the fight for Mexican independence from Spain.
Who is Father Miguel Hidalgo
To conduct business activities in a variety of industries.
What is Diversify?
An economic and political system in which property is owned collectively and labor is organized in a way that benefits all people.
What is Communism?
A person of Spanish and Native American Ancestry
Who are Metizos?
The most powerful political party that won every presidential election from 1929-2000
What is the Revolutionary Institutional Party?
He was a legendary fighter for farmer's rights.
Who is Emiliano Zapata?
A plant from which sugar is made
What is sugar cane?
This was a Cuban revolutionary and politician who was the leader of Cuba from 1959-2008.
Who is Fidel Castro?
A treaty that the US forced Mexico to sign in 1848, giving Mexico's northern lands to the US
What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
Replacing community ownership with individual or private ownership.
What is privatization?
This president brought reform (change); freedom of speech, and equality, and ended slavery & forced labor.
Who is Benito Juarez?
An economy that depends on just one product for most of its income.
What is a Single-product economy?
A Cuban holiday that celebrates the end of harvest each year in July
What is Carnival?
2nd Class. People born in Mexico but whose parents were born in Spain.
Who are Criollos?
The process of moving products to their markets.
What is distribution?
This president changed ejido laws.
Who is Carlos Salinas de Gortari?