This country is the furthest north in Latin America.
What is Mexico?
Panama links North America to South America, and is an example of what kind of geographic feature?
This Caribbean island is not a country but is instead a US Territory.
What is Puerto Rico? (Bonus +500 if you said the U.S. Virgin Islands)
The author behind the average Wikipedia article writes to ________ their reader.
What is inform?
Where in the citation will we usually find the author of the source?
What is the beginning of the citation?
Most of Latin America was colonized by this empire after Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas in 1492.
What is the Spanish Empire?
The creator of a graph reporting the results of a government election is seeking to _________ the reader.
What is inform?
Where in the citation will we usually find the structure of our source?
What is the end of the citation?
This region is a series of Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.
What is the Caribbean?
This empire lived in the Andes Mountains in Peru.
Who are the Incas?
The writer of a New York Times opinion article that discusses why the government needs to pass a new law is seeking to _________ their readers.
What is persuade?
What is the structure of this source?
National Geographic, Atlas for Young Explorers, 1999, Atlas
What is an atlas?
The Amazon River Basin is found in this continent.
What is South America?
This US state was once a part of the Mexican Empire before winning its independence in the 1830s and was its own country for a short time before petitioning to join the United States.
What is Texas?
The biggest reason that Lin Manuel Miranda-the creator of Hamilton the Musical-wrote the script was to ___________ the audience.
What is entertain?
What is the authority of this source:
Theodore White, One Wished for a Cry, Life Magazine, 1963, Magazine Article
Who is Theodore White & Life Magazine
What river marks the border between Texas and Mexico?
The Rio Grande River
This canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and runs through a Central American country of the same name.
What is the Panama Canal?
This empire built its capital city on the site of what is now Mexico City. They were known for their pyramid-like temples and the use of human sacrifice to appease their gods.
What was the Aztec Empire?
The creator of this poster is trying to ______ the viewer.
What is to persuade?
What is the Origin of this source?
Thomas Paines, Common Sense, January 1776, Philadelphia, PA, Pamphlet
What is January 1776 & Philadelphia, Pennsylvania