What ending goes on plural verbs
(they) laugh
What part of speech is defessa
Pueri et puellae in agris sunt
The boys and girls are in the fields
The girls catch sight of Marcus and the slave
Puellae Marcum et servum conspiciunt
What is the plural ending for servus when it is used as a subject
he/she reads
Label the core elements of this sentence
In horto, Marcus servum conspicit
Marcus - subject
conspicit - verb
servum - direct object
Vocem Cornelia audit sed Sextum non videt.
Cornelia hears the voice but does not see Sextus.
The men are now sitting in the country house because they are reading and writing
Viri in villa iam sedent quod legunt et scribunt
How would you make girls plural in this sentence?
The girls ran to the store.
in the summer
Is terret a transitive or intransitive verb
Sextus me quoque vexat et terret
Sextus also annoys and frightens me.
Marcus hears a big noise
Marcus magnum fragorem audit
In addition to "us" what ending can there be for a masculine word
like puer and vir
anxious / worried
in a loud voice
magna voce
Add the correct ending to the nouns based on the function of each noun
Sextus est pue___ molest__. Corneli__ igitur Sext__ non amat
Sextus est puer molestus. Cornelia igitur Sextum non amat.
Arborem ascendit et subito in magna voce clamat
He climbs the tree and suddenly shuts in a loud voice
Sextus frightens Cornelia while Cornelia sleeps under the tree
Sextus Corneliam terret dum Cornelia sub arbore dormit
What would the ending be for the word servus in this sentence?
The girls caught sight of the slave.
what sort of...
he/she groans
Magn__ vo__ Crnelia ___ terre__
Magna vox Corneliam terret
Ubi est Marcus hodie? Marcus me non vexat
Where is Marcus today? Marcus is not annoying me
Cornelia stealthily approaches where Sextus is sleeping and shouts “Be Careful!”
Cornelia furtim appropinquat ubi Sextus dormit et clamat "Cave!"