The nominative is used to show _______.
Who or what is doing an action (i.e., the subject of a sentence)
How many tenses have we encountered so far in Latin?
3 -- present, imperfect, and perfect
Translate: Clemēns erat fortis.
Clemens was strong/brave.
What was the name of the center of business in a Roman city?
The forum
We identify a verb's form by person and number (and tense!). What is person and what is number?
Person describes the subject of a verb and can be either first, second, or third. Number is whether a verb is singular or plural
Translate: nūntiī spectāculum nuntiābant.
The messengers were announcing the show.
Who was the father of Romulus and Remus?
lacrimat, lacrimāvit
What is one way you can tell whether a noun in the third declension is nominative plural or accusative plural?
Context! -- Is the verb singular or plural? Is there another nominative already?
What four letters could we expect to come before a perfect tense ending like -it or -ērunt?
-x, -s, -u, -v
Translate: duo rētiariī et duo murmillōnēs arēnam intrāvērunt.
Two retiarii and two murmillos entered the arena.
What was given to a gladiator to indicate his freedom after many years of service?
A wooden sword
Identify both the nominative and accusative nouns in the following sentence:
leō gladiātōrēs in arēnā ferōciter petīvit.
Nominative: leō
Accusative: gladiātōrēs
Finish the analogy:
ambulat: ambulābat :: est: _______
Translate: Pompēiānī, quod īrātī erant, murmillōnēs vituperābant.
The Pompeiians, because they were angry, were blaming the murmillos.
What genre did Plautus compose?
How many declensions are there in Latin in total?
On a sheet of paper and without consulting your group members, write down the present tense endings we have encountered so far.
-t -nt
Translate: Nūcerīnī, quod amphitheātrum nōn habēbant, saepe ad amphitheātrum Pompēiānum veniēbant; saepe erant turbulentī.
The Nucerians, because they did not have an amphitheater, often were going to the Pompeiian amphitheater; they were often rowdy.
What is the date of the founding of Rome?
April 21, 753 BCE