Quod est nomen Patris in familia?
Mater, vocare, filius
Mater filium vocat
What Job does Caecilius have
The word for drinks
bibit, bibere
how do you say: Chris has a dog
Chris canem habet
Quid est nomen Matris in Familia?
Caecilius pecuniam numerat
Where does Grumio work
in Culina
the word for waits
expectat, expectare
how do you say: friend comes to the house
Quid est nomen filii in familia
Quintus, domus, intrare
Quintus domum intrat.
Why is Caecilius upset at the end of Stage 2
He was waiting for dinner
the word for laughs at, smiles
ridet, ridere
how do you say: Mom is laughing at her daughter
Quid est nomen Coqui in familia
Caecilius, pictura, laudare
Caecilius picturam laudat
What was in the picture that the painter painted
Hercules and a Lion
the word for wine
how do you say: the teacher looks around the school
magister scholam circumspectat
quid est nomen canis in familia?
Christophorus, ianua, aperire
Christophorus ianuam aperit.
What did Grumio cook for dinner
a Peacock
the word for shop
how do you say - there is a large ship
magnus est navis