Endings of the 4th declension m/f
us us
us uum
ui ibus
um us
u ibus
Parse the following verbs
cadebat, audiebat, erat
3rd sing imperfect ind act
Māter mea eī nūbem subitō ostendit novam et inūsitātam
My mother suddenly showed him a new and unsual cloud.
The 2 neuter rules
Nom = Acc
Nom pl. = a
This 2nd largest continent is home to the world's widest variety of megafauna
Endings for the 5th declension
es es
ei erum
ei ebus
em es
e ebus
Parse the following verbs
conveniar, amabor, errabor
1st sing future ind. pass
Itaque faciēs eōrum cōnsultō vulnerantur.
And so their faces are wounded on purpose
Which of the following words is an i-stem?
passer, passeris, m
exemplar, exemplaris, n.
pater, patris, m.
mare, maris, n.
mare, maris, n.
exemplar, exemplaris, n.
This deepest ocean in the world reaches as far down as 13,000ft (2.46 miles!)
Pacific Ocean
Dative singular of uxor rustica
uxori rusticae
Parse the following verbs
steterunt, dederunt, fuerunt
3rd plural perfect ind. act
Initium magnī incendiī Rōmānī fuit in tabernīs, in quibus flammae mercimōniīs facile alēbantur.
The beginning of the Great Roman Fire was in taverns, in which flames were fed easily by merchandise.
Perfect passive verbs must use the present tense of what verb as their 2nd part?
sum, esse, fui, --
This country has the longest coastline in the world, boasting 125,567 miles of controlled land touching the sea
Accusative plural of cornu verum
cornua vera
stati estis, rogati estis
2nd plural perfect ind pass
Vestīmenta gerunt ex animālium pellibus facta.
They wore clothes having been made from the skins of animals
urbs devestata..
The city having been devastated...
This country boasts the most islands of any in the world
Ablative plural of Res gravis
rebus gravibus
Parse the following verbs
aluerat, duxerat, fuerat
3rd sing pluperfect ind. act.
Psӯchē eum per omnēs terrās diū quaesīvit. Nam Venus fīlium suum occultāverat.
Psyche sought him through all the lands, for Venus had hidden her son.
The participle in a perfect passive verb must always be this case to match its subject
France shares its longest contiguous border with this country