heat, ablative singular
What is calore?
1st person singular, future
What is sequar?
to pick up, recover
What is repetere?
QuI sunt illI??????????
What is "What are those"
Accusative Plural, entrance passages?
What is vestibula?
2nd Person plural, perfect, feminine subject
What is secUtae estis?
to have snapped?
What is concrepuisse?
What is ded?
Dative singular, old man
What is senI?
to be wiped
What is tergErI?
"Omnia sunt bona"
What is "Everything is ok"
Nominative Plural, bag
What is follEs?
Plural Imperative
What is sequiminI?
to be annointed
What is unguI?
Irata Feles
What is grumpy cat?
Accusative singular, finger?
What is digitum?
PPP and Translation
What is secUtus, having followed?
to have learned
What is cognOvisse?
Accipe me extrA, quam de illO!
What is cash me outside, how bout dah?