This is the mnemonic we use to remember the vowels in the present subjunctive.
What is "we fear a liar"?
Deponent verbs only have endings of this voice, even though they are not translated that way.
What is passive voice?
This is the person of aduēnissent.
What is third person?
This is the translation of sequor.
What is "I follow"?
What is the meaning of "saluē"?
What is "hello"?
Purpose clauses and indirect commands start with this word.
What is ut? (also accepted: What is nē?)
This is what the infinitive of a 1st conjugation deponent verb ends in.
What is -ārī?
This is the mood of gererem.
What is subjunctive?
This is the translation of praebeat.
What is "let him/her offer"?
This is the meaning of legio, legiōnis, f.
What is legion?
This clause which uses the subjunctive is introduced by a verb of asking, demanding or warning.
What is an indirect command?
This is what the infinitive of a 3rd conjugation deponent verb ends in.
What is -ī?
This is the tense and mood of praebeat.
What is present subjunctive?
This is the translation of secūtī sumus.
What is "we followed"?
What is "I say"?
This is the form of sum we use for the pluperfect subjunctive passive.
What is the imperfect subjunctive (essem, essēs, esset...)?
This is the second word in every deponent verb's third principal part.
What is sum?
This is the tense and voice of praebita essent.
What is pluperfect subjunctive passive?
This is the translation of ingressus (ingressus specifically, not same as ingredior).
What is "having entered"?
This is the meaning of perīculum.
What is "danger"?
This is the tense of the subjunctive we would use (in a purpose clause) if the main verb is pluperfect tense.
What is imperfect subjunctive?
This is what the plural command (imperative) of moror, morārī, morātus sum would look like.
What is morāminī?
This is the number (singular or plural) of sequere.
What is singular?
This is the translation of factum esset.
What is "it had been done"?
This is the meaning of aliquamdiū.
What is "for some time"?