This Latin case is used to express means or instrumentality.
magnīs ex perīculīs
out of great dangers
Errāre est humānum
To err is human
This Athenian philosopher (ca. 4th cent. BC) pioneered the study of atoms.
If one wanted to command multiple people to go, he would say this.
Fēminās pulchrās vidēte!
See the beautiful women!
ad pulchrās cīvitātēs
towards the beautiful states
Remedium īrae est mora
Delay is the remedy for anger.
Unless the life of a man was exchanged for this, the gods demanded the gingerbread-man be filled.
the life of a man
If one wanted to find hominibus in the dictionary, what exact form would you first look for?
homō, hominis (m) -
Līberōs tuōs amāte!
Love your children!
dē vērīs virtūtibus
concerning true virtues
Salvē, mea bella puella – dā mihi multa bāsia!
Hello, my beautiful girl - give me many kisses!
The Irish call the sacred mounds of the Druids these, to the present day.
Fairy forts
vester, vestra, vestrum is this type of adjective.
nōmina deōrum vocāte!
Call on the names of the gods!
Post mala tempora
After bad times
Sī multam pecūniam habētis, saepe nōn estis sine cūrīs.
You're often not without cares, if you have much money.
This Galllic general opposed Caesar, formed a confederation, and was besieged at Avaricum.
Verbs like dēbeō, possum, and audeō, that introduce other verbs of the 2nd principal part, perform this two-word construction in Latin.
complementary infinitive
Fēminās et līberōs servāte!
Save the women and children!
ad malārum fēminārum terrās
to the lands of wicked women
Malī sunt in numerō nostrō et dē exitiō bonōrum virōrum cōgitant.
Evil men are among us and are thinking about the destruction of good men.
Gallic, Germanic, and British strongholds were called these, in Latin.