This Latin noun is where we get the term "nautical."
What is nauta, nautae?
This declension is primarily feminine with the exception of nauta, nautae.
What is the First Declension?
These were Caesar's most important and effective military weapon.
What are the Legions?
This Latin verb means "he, she, it came" in English.
What is venit?
This first declension noun is in that case:
What is the Ablative Singular Case?
You find the stem of a noun by dropping the ending off this case.
What is the Genitive Singular Case?
The Latin word for "harbor" belongs to this declension.
What is the Fourth Declension?
Caesar's legions often consisted of this many men.
What is 4000?
This Latin verb means "to pitch" only with castra.
What is pōnō?
This case identifies the gender in third declension nouns.
What is the Nominative Singular case?
This noun means "earth or land" in English.
What is terra, terrae?
The nouns of this declension are all feminine except diēs, diēī, which is generally masculine.
What is the Fifth Declension?
A typical Roman gladius was about this long.
What is 2 Feet?
This Latin verb means "to love" in English.
What is dīligō?
This second declension noun is in those cases:
What is the Dative and Ablative Singular Case?
The stem of this noun is simply the letter R.
What is rēs, rēī?
This declension is the one most masculine adjectives are declined after.
What is the Second Declension?
The loss of this to an enemy was considered a disaster and disgrace to a Roman legion.
What is the Standard of the Roman Legion?
The Latin verb laudō belongs to this conjugation.
What is the First Conjugation?
This case is all masculine except for domus, ūs, which is feminine, and a few others.
What is the Fourth Declension?
This Latin noun means "companion or ally" in English.
What is socius, sociī?
When the nominative singular case of a noun in this declension ends in -c, it is neuter.
What is the Third Declension?
This metal was located just behind the initial steel point of a Roman pīlum.
What is Iron?
This Latin verb means "join or unite" in English.
What is jungō?
If a third declension noun ends with -ium it is in this case.
What is the Genitive Plural Case?