Put puella, -ae, F in Accusative Singular and Translate
puellam - the girl
Put Taurus, ī, M in Accusative singular and translate
taurum - the bull
Put verbum, ī, N in ablative singular and translate
verbō - FWIB the word
Put ludīo, -īre in third person plural and translate
ludīnt - they play
Put femina, -ae, F in genitive plural and translate
feminārum - of the women
terrae - the lands
Put deus, ī, M in nominative plural and translate
deī - the gods
Put monstrum, ī, M in accusative singular and translate
monstrum - the monster
Put habitō, -āre in third person singular and translate
habitāt - he/she/it lives
Put doceō, -ēre in third person singular
docēt - he/she/it teaches
Put regina, -ae, F in ablative plural and translate
reginīs - FWIB the queens
Put puer, ī, M in the nominative singular and translate
puer - the boy
Put signum ī, M in accusative plural and translate
signa - the signs
Put amō, -āre in first person plural and translate
amāmus - we love
Put vīta, -ae, F in ablative plural and translate
vītīs - FWIB the lives
Put silva, -ae, F in the ablative singular and translate
silvā - FWIB the forest
Put vir, ī, M in accusative plural and translate
virīs - the men
Put bellum, ī, N in nominative plural and translate
bella - the wars
Put spectō, -āre in second person singular and translate
spectās - you look at
Put puer, ī, M in genitive plural and translate
puerōrum - of the boys
Put filia, -ae, F in accusative plural and translate
filiās - the daughters
Put dominus, ī, M in ablative singular and translate
dominō - FWIB the lord
Put bellum ī, N in ablative plural and translate
bellīs - FWIB the wars
Put habeō, -ēre in second person plural and translate
habētis - ye have
Put regnō, -āre in second person plural and translate
regnātis - ye rule