The English word for auctor, -oris (m.).
What is author?
The English word for duco, ducere, duxi, ductum.
What is to lead?
The English word for aureus, -a, -um.
What is golden?
The English word for facile.
What is easily?
Translate into English: we were rejoicing.
What is gaudebamus?
The English word for liber, libri (m.).
What is book?
The English word curro, currere, cucurri, cursum.
What is to run?
The English word for medius, -a, -um.
What is middle of?
The English word for forte.
What is by chance?
The English definition for the idiom hoc modo.
What is in this manner, thus?
The English word for tabula, -ae (f.).
What is board, plank, table?
The English translation of iactus, a, um.
What is having been thrown?
The English word for motus, -a, -um.
What is moved, influenced?
The English word for iam.
What is now, already?
The English translation of adductus.
What is having been influenced?
The Latin word for page.
What is pagina, -ae (f.)?
The English translation of scriptus, a, um.
What is having been written?
The Latin word for top of, highest.
What is summus, -a, -um?
The English word for therefore.
What is igitur?
Translate into Latin: not only...but also.
What is non solum...sed etiam?
The Latin word for use, practice.
What is usus, -us (m.)
The Latin for to request, demand.
What is posco, -ere, poposci?
The Latin word for third.
What is tertius, -a, -um?
The Latin word for how, in what manner.
What is quomodo?
Translate into English: Liberi a poeta scripti multas paginas habent.
What is The books written by the poet have many pages.