do, dare, dedi, datus
give (1st conjugation)
arma, armorum
alienus, a, um
unfavorable, another's, foreign (1st,2nd)
1st conjugation identifier
Gender of 1st declension; Genitive Singular ending
call (1st conjugation)
oratio, orationis
speech, prayer (3rd, feminine)
altus, a, um
high, deep (1st, 2nd)
2nd conjugation identifier
Gender of Second Declension, Genitive singular ending
masculine and neuter, i
warn, advise (2nd)
Mors, mortis
death (3rd, masculine)
tutus, a, um
safe (1st, 2nd)
imperfect tense endings
bam, bas, bat, bamus, batis, bant
Gender of Third declension; genitive singular ending
Masuline, Feminine, Neuter; is
have (2nd)
Hiberna, hibernorum
winter quarters (2nd, neuter, plural)
nobilis, e
noble, renowned (3rd)
future tense endings
bo, bis, bit, bimus, bitis, bunt
Gender of 4th declension, genitive singular ending
mostly masculine; us (with macron)
timeo, timere, timui
fear (2nd)
centurio, centurionis
centurion (3rd, masculine)
fortis, e
brave, strong (3rd)
4 prinicipal parts of a verbs
Pres. Ind. Act
Pres. Inf. Act.
Perf. Ind. Act.
Perf. Part. Pass.
Gender of 5th declension; genitive singular ending
Mostly feminine; ei