A dress worn by woman
What is a Stola?
This was a simple piece of clothing worn by children or slaves
What is a Tunica?
A room where you can sleep
What is a Cubiculum?
What you would call your dad
What is Pater?
Also a constellation, this is the most common household pet
What is a Canis?
An ancient Roman family dwelling
What is a Domus?
A place where Romans would go to deposit urine and feces
What is a Latrina?
A place where you can study Math
What is a Tablimum?
If you are a pater, you would have this-
What is a Filius ?
Valued for their role as pest controllers, this animal kept homes, gardens, and public spaces free of rodents.
What is a Feles?
A Culina is a Latin word for this place in a home
What is a Kitchen?
Wool garment wrapped over the shoulder for male citizens
What is a Toga?
A room where there are three couches and Roman used for relaxing
What is a Triclinium?
A Female Child that is related to a Filius
what is A sister?
These animals were used in chariot races
what is an Equus?
A meal that you eat during the night
What is a Cena?
The meal that Romans would eat between their breakfast and dinner
What is Prandium?
A local apartment inside a Roman village where people stayed
What is an Insula?
If you tell your filia to clean their room, who are you speaking to?
who is your Daughter?
What is a Porcus?
Latin word for garden
The Latin word for a Roman country estate
What is a Villa?
The most important meal of the day
What is Ientaculum?
Not a bird, but what you would call your grandfather
Who is your Avus?
This black and white animal was a symbol of wealth in Roman Culture
What is a Vacca?