The reason for Cincinnatus' suitability as dictator
What is his agricultural background/humility?
The charge in Roscius' court case
What is patricide/murder?
The term for substituting part for whole/whole for part
What is metonymy?
The translation of 'agrum'
What is farm/field?
Give the LATIN word for the mansion in photo 1 (from Horace)
What is 'moles'?
Cicero's argument against Roscius' guilt
What is his simplicity as a country man?
The god celebrated in Ovid's poem
What is Terminus?
The term for when you use two nouns instead of a noun+adj
What is hendiadys?
Cicero uses the phrase 'ferum et agrestem'
What is rough and uncouth?
Describe 2 of the scenes in photo 3
Master receiving wheat(?), hunting, grape picking, going for a horseback ride, husbandry, mistress receiving gifts
The focus of Horace's contrast between past and present in the second half of his poem
What is public vs. private wealth?
The two goddesses roaming the hills in Pliny 1
Who are Diana and Minerva?
The usual reason/effect of using a balanced phrase in Latin
What is for word order to reflect meaning?
Pliny likes to bring his 'stilus et pugillares'
What is pen and writing-tablets?
3 activities happening in photo 5
men climbing grape vines, men pulling oxen hauling cart of grapes, men crushing grapes with feet, grape juice pouring through spouts into vessels
This is what Ovid is demonstrating as existing between rustic communities
What is harmony?
The subject of Virgil's poem (give detail)
Who is the old man from Cilicia?
An example of polyptoton
What is go, going, gone (etc)?
The communities give 'dapes' to Terminus, and the Cilician farmer enjoys his 'dapes' too
What is 'feast'?
This typical piece of hunting equipment is missing from photo 6
What is a net?
This is what Pliny expected to find in Tuscany vs. what he did find (2 parts)
What is leisure vs. work?
One (of 3) things Horace complains about at the beginning of his poem
What is mansions/stagnant pools/celibate trees?
The difference between the 3 types of irony
Verbal: saying the opposite of what you mean
Dramatic: character doesn't know but audience does
Situational: event happens that is opposite from expected (i.e. bank gets robbed)
Give the LATIN adjective that Virgil uses repeatedly to describe the Cilician farmer
What is 'primus'?
The reason why someone would have a fresco like photo 2 in their house
In order to create the impression of depth, to mimic the countryside, to impress viewer, relaxation