
Helped organize the 1965 Delano strike of 5,000 grape workers and was the lead negotiator in the workers' contract, which led to a successful union contract by 1970. 

Who is Dolores Huerta? 


High waisted, wide legged men’s suits that were worn by younger generation Latino Americans to set them apart from older generation Latinos.

What are zoot suits?


Now known as Lincoln Center, this area once had tenements that housed thousands of Latin and Black families.

What is San Juan Hill?


The Community Service Organization associate of the Agricultural Workers Association.  

Who is Cesar Chavez?


This minority group have helped shape the United States over the last 500-plus years and have become with more than 50 million people, the largest minority group in the U.S.

Who are Latino Americans?


Despite witnessing firsthand the negative attitude towards minorities, this individual would later be inspired to join civil rights movements supporting the causes of Hispanics, African Americans, and women. 

Who is Linda Chavez?


This Grammy award winner leads the Miami Sound Machine creating cross over hits in Spanish and English.

Who is Gloria Estefan?


The act that allowed Puerto Ricans to have their own governor.

What is the Elective Governor Act of 1947?


He played Enriquez “Ricky” Ricardo, nightclub owner and tv husband of Lucy Ricardo, and real life husband of Lucille Ball.

Who is Desi Arnaz?


This was stemmed from the United States’ annexation of Texas in 1845 and from a dispute over whether Texas ended at the Nueces River (Mexican claim) or the Rio Grande (U.S. claim).

What is the Mexican-American War?


Despite facing discrimination earlier in her acting career, this actress is best known as Anita from West Side Story in 1961, a role that earned her an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.

Who is Rita Moreno? 


The idea that the United States was the place for successes, equality, and opportunities. It was also the reason that many people want to come to the United States.

What is the American Dream?


A US Government program inviting Mexicans to fill temporary labor shortages during WWII that ultimately lasted 22 years.

What is the Bracero program?


A series of Supreme Court rulings in 1901 that confirm US territories like Puerto Rico belong to but are not a part of the United States.

What are the Insular cases?


Largely due to the Great Recession, this is the year in which immigration from Mexico was deemed “net zero,” meaning the same number of Mexicans were leaving as were entering the US.

What is 2012?


The law signed in 1986 by Ronald Reagan that allowed for over 2 million illegal immigrants to become legal residents, and that placed responsibility and legal burden on employers to no longer hire undocumented immigrants.

What is the Immigration Reform and Control Act?


Throughout history Latinos have repeatedly been used as a scapegoat and blamed for many societal problems.

What is a challenge the Latino community has faced?


The economic downturn in the 1930s that caused the average Puerto Rican rural worker to have an income of twelve cents a day for each family member.

What is the Great Depression? 


The Mexican-American state senator from Texas that spent his first year working against 10 bills that would resegregate Texan schools, partly by filibustering for 22 hours straight.

Who is Henry B. Gonzalez?


This watershed event sent thousands of Latino Americans to serve in the armed forces, fighting side by side with Anglos.

What is World War 2?


The schoolteacher that led the largest high school student walkout in American history, demanding that Chicano students be given the same educational opportunities as Anglos.

Who is Sal Castro?


The first Latina and person of Hispanic descent to sit on the Supreme Court.

Who is Sonia Sotomayor?


In 1965, this caused President Johnson to send Marines to the Dominican Republic, triggering a third wave of immigration.

What is the Communist takeover in the Caribbean?


The Communist dictator that took over Cuba’s government and created strained relations with the United States.

Who is Fidel Castro?


Mexican American U.S. Marine who at the age of 18, captured 1,500 Japanese during the Battle of Saipan in World War II. The U.S. Government awarded him the silver star and the Navy Cross and was nominated for the Medal of Honor.

Who is Guy Gabaldon?
